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I open my eyes, and for a blissful moment, I'm tranquil and peaceful, enjoying the dimming morning light.

I'm starving was my first thought, and on the bedside table was a glass of orange juice and a bowl of oatmeal,

He thinks of everything.

I got out of bed and went to freshen up, at least comb my hair, after the rondevu last night it was a mess.

I showered and wore one of Luke's old shirt's, before re-entering the room, where Luke was standing with eyes on his phone, In his gray sweat pants and gray singlet, which was dark with sweat, like his hair.

He's clearly been working out,

He doesn't notice me until I speak,

"Who are you texting?"

"Um, it's no one important." He placed the phone away and came to grab me, "How did you sleep?"

"Luke, you stink!" I exclaimed, pulling away from him, he was pooling in sweat and I just showered.

He chuckled, and then glanced at the bedside.

"You didn't eat?"

I just ran my hands through his wet hair, saying.

"I had to shower first."

"I woke up early to make that for you, Jane." His tone laced anger.

"And, I'm sure it's delicious---" I cut in. I can't have us fighting this early in the morning, "His James ready for school yet?"

"Maria is handling the kids." He replied and went to shower in irritation.

I sighed and went to eat, minutes later Luke came and sat at the edge of the bed, all freshened up.

I watch him reach towards the drawer, "I found these." He pulled out leaflets and showed them to me, "These are the best rehab centers in the country."

I took them from him and glanced at each one of them, he was really serious about getting better, "These are really good, they really are, but I was thinking we could choose somewhere juvenile friendly for Joseph, these all seem way too much for him."

"Whatever you say, Jane." he smiled at me tenderly,

I smiled back and continued eating,

He just sat there staring at me, his stare is speculative.

I always get nervous when he stares at me like that, it's difficult to tell what he's thinking, "I want to talk about the trial?"

I clenched my jaw tightly at his words,

"We don't talk about these things." He added.

"I might be going to jail tomorrow, what else is there to talk about?" I became irritated.

"I would be testifying?"

I scoffed,

"And, what would you say, huh? that your interracial son shot you, is that what you are planning to say. You are not going to say a word." I raised my voice.

"You calling me stupid!" he raised his voice but it didn't scare me as much as what he said next, "I already gave in my statement?"

My eyes gaped and I jumped up abruptly,


"Relax, I did implicate Joseph." He cut in quickly, "I gave them a story to sweat on and had the doctors back up my statement, so there's a high possibility that this could be over tomorrow."

"What did you say?" I urged him.

"Don't worry about it."

"Tell me.."

He grabbed me using one hand, "I told you I would handle it, you don't ever have to worry about these things with me." With the other hand he removed hair from my face, "I always protect my family." he beamed up at me and I managed to smile back, despite how I was feeling inside.

Luke testifying changes everything, it would reverse the whole story. I need to find out what he said to them without upsetting him.

"But, really Luke what did you say."

"I said don't worry about it." His smile is sardonic,

"I just want to know."

"Let's take it as a surprise, you will find out tomorrow." His jaw clenches, but his face remains impassive, "Huh?" He kissed me and broke away immediately, "You need to eat, you look a bit thin." He pulled me back to the bed and made me finish eating,

If I mention it again he could get upset, so I don't.

The next day in court, and before the trial Julia and I went into the female bathroom to talk away from pondering eyes, "What do you mean you can't find it?" Julia sneered at me. I ran my hands through my hair pacing frantically, I felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest, "Jane, those tapes were your one ticket away from Luke, how could you lose it?"

"I-I didn't lose it, it was there, in my drawers, it was there the previous night and just this morning it was gone." I stammered.

"Luke must have it then."

I shook my head hysterically, "There's no way, Luke couldn't have known about it, who could have told him, I know I didn't?"

"Shit!!" Julia cursed,


She sighed before saying,

"I might have mentioned it to Luke's mom." She said and I gasped, "I was searching for clues and I went to see Mrs. Hampton, I told her about the tapes so I could maybe scare her into admitting she took it."

I suddenly felt all the air leave my body,

"I'm sorry, Jane."

I staggered to the sink,


If Luke finds out I tried to set him up in court, or that I even installed cameras in the first place,

"He's going to kill me."

"That's not going to happen?" She stood behind me.

"You don't know anything, you don't know Luke like I do." I snapped.

"Okay, Jane..." She came and rubbed my back gently, "You need to pull yourself together, you can't give up on me right now...We would figure Luke's schemes later, but before we do that we need to get one foot away from jail. Do it for your boys, buckle up and let's get out there, face these racial mudafuckers."

A ruffled laugh escaped my lips abruptly,

She laughed to,

I exhaled deeply and flashing water on my face, I got my act together.

"Come on." Julia held and led me back to the court session.

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