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I sat down in my usual spot next to Rose. She seemed lost in deep thoughts.

"You okay?" I waved in, which made her sigh in frustration,

"Just thinking of a way you could get out of here."

I turn towards her and chuckled.

"Why do I get the feeling that you actually like it here?" I asked sitting back on the chair.

"I've spent my whole life in this place that I almost don't mind it. .."

"That's a horrible thing to say."

"I know, but let's say I decide to leave, where do I go? no one wants me in the real world. At least here, I get to meet people, eat, sleep on a bed and sometimes if I'm really good I get to watch the bachelorette, and drool over Tayshia Adams." She laughs.

That's the thing about being in here, at some point, you just get sucked into it. "Trust me, Rose, a life on the streets is much more comforting than this shithole we are living in, I would prove it when we get out."

"You don't get it, my parents don't want me, they think I'm an abomination."

Tears form in her eyes.

I took her hand in mine with a smile, "You have me now. We've been through so much, Rose and we are going to get out of it, even if I have to carry you in my back kicking and screaming." We laugh it out, "Not just that, we are going to save all these women, get them actual help, not this shit show, one way or the other we are going to get all these psychos arrested."

"You're all talk now. Do you even have a plan?"

"Not right now, but I'm sure we would come up with something very soon."

"And Luke? How are you going to fix that? With everything I've heard about your ex-husband, he's no fool, I mean he had you believing he was doing you a favour for thirteen years, what can't he do to tame you? My point is, acting might get you so far with the people around here, but not with a man like that, you need a plan to stop him once for all." Just then the guards began to walk in and they start sharing biscuits, everyone else gets excited, it's been a while they shared snacks,

"Must be a special occasion?"

"Maybe the matron finally slumped out of her misery." She says dramatically and then laughs.

One of the guards walks over and hands us each a biscuit, I never got his name, but he used to look after me until they transferred him to another ward, "Here, for you, Jane." He hands me an extra one, I gasp reluctantly, "Just take it."

I accepted it,

"Thanks." I whispered,

He smiles and leaves,

I watch after him with curiosity,

"Okay, What was that?" Rose exclaimed.

I shrugged and then munched onto my biscuits,

"You think he likes you?"

I almost choked,

"What, why would you say that? please don't say that again?" We both glance towards him and he's staring intently at me. "Oh, dear."

"Oh he like likes you, this is perfect." Rose exclaimed and jumps to her feet. I'm actually repulsed by the thought, "Yo...I mean we can use that."

I look away pretending I didn't understand what she meant. I didn't want to get into any more trouble, I've been doing so well lately, the guards have stopped hitting me every now and then, and Luke is almost certain that I've changed for the better, the last time he let me chat with my babies, and that was more than I could have asked for, a little more convincing and I would be out of here.

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