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Once I finished cleaning after the kids, I sat in the bedroom window, staring in peace. It's the beginning of spring, that kind of season where you can see the drew and smell the warm weather, it's my favorite season.

It didn't last though.

As I stared out the window, I noticed Luke's car pull over at the house, he got out and helped the kids get down.

He's been around more often,

It almost feels like we are still married, to be honest, lately, I tend to forget.

I heard the boys coming in and with a sigh, I got up and went to welcome them with a smile,

I threw Luke a quick glance, ignoring his gaze,

I focused on the boys,

"How was school today?"

"I got an A in Math." James said.

"That's wonderful." I smiled proudly at him, "And, Joseph, any fights today?"

"I wouldn't call it that."

I chuckled at his response and watched them hurry inside, leaving us alone.

"They've grown so big." Luke added as we stood there, "I've almost forgotten how little they used to be, Joseph especially."

I nodded, agreeing with him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I should start with dinner, I have a guest coming." I turned and headed into the kitchen, I was hoping he would get the point and show himself out.

"Do you need help?"

I guess not, I turned to face him again,


He folded his sleeves and helped me with dinner. We didn't speak at all during the time, but it was a comfortable silence, one I was very grateful for.

Once we finished the kids came down and helped us with the table. "Are we going to be a family again?" Joseph asked as we set the table, luckily the bell rang just in time.

"I'll get it." I said and went to get the door, it was Sam and he was on time, he even brought flowers.


He reaches and kisses me on the cheeks, like all those French people in the movie, and hands me flowers, he's sweet, definitely the change I need.

I show him to the table where Luke and the boys were waiting, he greets the kids, and Luke, oblivious of the awkwardness in the table, I mean there's Luke, my ex-husband welcoming the man I'm supposedly seeing.

"So you two were married?" Sam was surprised to know.

"Thirteen years." Luke felt the need to add that.

"That's a lot of year's."

"It's eleven, actually." I corrected it, and locked eyes with Luke.

"Wow, I definitely can't compete with that. What happened, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Let's just say I was a jerk, and Jane deserved better, so much better--"

I got up,

"Boys time for bed."


"No but's, come on."

They said their goodnights with a frown and followed me upstairs. I tucked each of them to bed, "Mamma?" James called my attention.

"Yes, baby."

"Are you and dad getting back together?"

I paused and looked at them, they had their curious eyes staring back at me, I didn't know what to say to them, but I had to be honest.

"Your father and I are very happy with the way things are right now, we also love you two very much, and we are always going to be a team. Get some rest." I said lastly and turned off the lights.

"Goodnight, mamma."


I left them and made the slow walk downstairs, I find Luke and Sam having a laugh over beer, like they've known each other over a lifetime, that's the thing about Luke Hampton, he's a charmer, one conversation with him and he's got you hooked, completely unaware of the charade behind his smile.

"Hey, Jane, Luke and I were just talking about the game, come sit close to me."

I threw in a smile and walked over to them in the living room. I sat next to Sam, he reaches and kisses me tenderly.

"Are the boys asleep?" Luke waved in, staring at me intensely.

"Yeah." I managed.

They went on talking about the game, I sat there in complete silence, like I was invested in whatever they were talking about, but I wasn't,

Once in a while I would lock eyes with Luke and he would wink, pulling me into the conversation.

"Okay, it was nice meeting you Luke, and Jane." Sam was ready to leave, he reaches and kisses me again, "I'll see you tomorrow." He whispered.

I threw him a smile and watched him get into his car before shutting the door, facing the other man standing in the middle of the room.

"You can crash on the couch, please be gone in the morning." I turned to head to my room when I felt my hands pull me back.

"Can I ask you something, Jane?"

My mind is reeling but I nodded anyway,

"Would you ever consider me again?" His arm seized my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Consider you?!" Is he serious?

"Forgive me?"

"Haven't I always? But every single time you give me more reasons why I shouldn't have in the first place, you prove more devious."

"I don't care if I have to wait an eternity for it, I'll wait, take as much time as you want to analyze me, Jane, and if you think we could work it out, then you consider us again."

"Why did you sign the divorce papers?" I have been wanting to ask.

"I just thought it would be a good idea to start over, you know like the bad things in the past never happened. I had to work on being the man you truly deserve, the best husband, or boyfriend if you let me... "

"Luke, I feel like I should tell you that I have no intention of getting back with you, that's not even crossed my mind since you got back." I might still have huge feelings for Luke Hampton, but I'm not so crazy to trust him again,

"Why are you saying all these? because of Sam?"

"No, because every time you say you've changed, it turns out to be a huge lie, deceit, I don't believe you would ever change, you might be able to control that demon inside of you right now but, what happens when I make a mistake, you would snap your fingers and shatter me all over again, I'm never going back to being that way with you, Luke, never, so stop this nonsense."

"Jane—" I raised my hand, stopping him from moving any further, or touching me.

"Like I said, you can crash on the couch, but I want you out by morning, I don't want the kids having any ideas, it's not good for either of us." I said all I needed to say to him and walked away.

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