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Some days later....

I just called it a night and was heading into my cells, when hands slammed me into a wall and started caressing me, it's Lucky,

"Get off." I tried to fight him off but he was aggressive, kissing me all over, "I said, get off me." I struggle to no avail.

"Is this what you wanted, huh?"

I've been leading him on for days, just to get my hands on that key, it did cross my mind that this could happen.

"Do you know how long I've wanted you? You've been leading me on for days, you think I don't notice you flirting with me with your lips, making little gestures implying you wanted me, provoking me. I noticed, Jane, I noticed you from the moment you caught my eyes and I must say you're really good at messing with a man's head, no wonder that husband of yours is losing his mind." His eyes roam my body shamelessly, "How do you wanna do this? Ready or not? Either way, I will have you tonight?"

My breaths came out short and uneven as I tried to think of a way to get out of this predicament,

I let out a shaky breath feeling the fight leave my body. It was going to happen, how do I stop the inevitable? I tried screaming but he slapped me in the face.

I start crying, it was the one thing I was good at.

"God, you're so stunning." His eyes didn't leave mine as he continued to stroke my thigh as his other hand tried to untie my dress.

A gasp released from my throat, unprepared for the outburst that came after, Rose burst into the room and struck him with a bottle.

He gasped and fell to the floor,

I stilled in shock,

"Don't just stand there help me." She yelled at me, I immediately snapped out of it, and reached over to help search for the key.

Once we found it we made our run towards the escape route,

"We have five minutes to get out of here before they notice." The countdown began. We made it through a flit of stairs and finally to the room, using the key, we unlocked the door, and hurried into the room.

"Where's the damn exit door?" I exclaim in panic, the room was absolutely empty.

"It was here, I swear, they must have shut it or something."

"What?! You're saying there's no door? Fuck, fuck!" I exclaimed and paced around frantically, "I knew it, I knew, this was a bad idea, I can't believe I let you convince me into this stupid plan, why did I let you drag me into this?"

"Would you shut up and let me think." She snapped. I turn to squirm at a corner, "I have a plan, look over there." She points at the window.

"Are you kidding? That's your fucking plan, jump off the window. We might as well just go back and take a bullet."

"Just shut up and trust me, we can still get out of here. ..Help me up." Rose said grabbing a rod.

I heaved and then helped her on my shoulders.

My breath became heavier as Rose's weight weighed down on me, she tried to break the different locks on the window, which looked quite unlikely.

We took turns trying to break the locks.

We did our best, hitting the locks though our muscles were aching. This was our only chance to escape. We couldn't afford to stop.

After a long time, our efforts were paid off. We broke off all the locks and opened the window.

I peered down.

We were on the third floor.

"Jane, you go first." She instructed me. I hesitated as I peered down the window. "I-I have a fear of heights."

"Well, suck it up. Time is running out." She helped me up and with a yelp of breath, I finally made the jump.

Peering up from the ground, I saw Rose peering down sadly at me. I got off the floor,

"Rose, come on. I will catch you." I promised her, as I held my arms up. Since Rose was much smaller in size compared to me, I could easily catch her.

She brought her legs over the window and stopped-- "I think someone is coming. .."

"Would you hurry up?!"

"Jane, you need to run!!"

"What, I'm not leaving you behind." I kept my hands up, smiling at her as I did so, "Now hurry up."

Rose brought her legs over the window when arms suddenly grabbed her. I turned around and ran towards the jungle.

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