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As the day went by Luke stopped by more often, mostly to spend time with the boys. The boys were so excited to hear of their father's return, they begged to catch up, so making that schedule was inevitable.

We agreed to meet at the house seeing he's yet to get an apartment, we barely even spoke anyway, he would ask me questions like are you alright and make sure you eat but that's as far as our conversation would go.

I got tired of moping around and watching my ex-husband play with the kids. Being this close to him was hard enough, so I finally decided to take my colleague, Sam out on his offer.

He had been asking me on a date for the last few weeks and I always brushed him off. I called him an hour ago and made the appointment, he should be on his way.

I quickly slid into a black fitted dress, did a little makeup, I did everything to look somewhat presentable for the occasion. After I got ready, I grabbed my bag and hoped to go unnoticed, but that did not go as planned.

"Hey." Luke appears out of nowhere. He eyed me out, taking in my figure. I was sure I saw something flash in his eyes, "You look stunning."

I cleared my throat,


"Going somewhere special?"

"Um... I have a date."

He tilted his head while rubbing a hand over his neatly trimmed jaw.

"A date?"

I nodded,

He stared in silence and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"The babysitter should be here soon, so you don't have to wait.." I added.

He nodded,

"Be careful." He added, shocking me.

I managed to throw in a nervous smile before quickly rushing out, I could feel his eyes drilling me as I walked away.

I met Sam outside and he took me to a nice fancy restaurant. He ordered for the both of us since I was unsure about the food here.

Sam did a great job at taking my mind off Luke. He always knew what to say and how to say it, he was very good with words, I was grateful to be away.

Thankfully, he did not ask anymore questions about my mood. The night went on, and we spent most of it getting to know each other more.

After another hour or so he drove me home. I waved him goodbye and he put his fist over his heart and pretended to die, he's so silly.

I giggled at his charade and walked into my apartment. I stepped in to find everything properly placed, someone had taken the time to clean after the kids.

I pulled out my coat and shoes as I walked further into the room, and I'm surprised to find Luke passed out on my couch. It only means the babysitter didn't show up like I asked,

I sighed and glanced at him,

He's lying with his arms tugged around his chest, his shoulder trembling slightly like he's freezing to death,

I tried to ignore it and just go off to bed like I didn't notice anything, but found myself, grabbing a blanket off the chair and covering him with it.

I sighed heavily as I stared at him for a while, no matter how much I tried to get away from him, I always end up right here, caring for him.

I groaned at the thought and left to rest...

I jumped up out of bed the next morning and flew downstairs to get the boys ready for school. I must have dozed off and forgotten to set the alarm.

But when I get downstairs I'm surprised to find the table fully set and boys all put for school, with their lunches packed and everything, it usually gets me an extra hour to get them to this point,

"Okay... What's going on?"

"Dad helped us get ready and made all this breakfast," Joseph answered and just in time Luke appeared out of the kitchen, I almost forgot he crashed on the couch last night.

"Hey..." He walks over to me, all freshened up.


"I'm sorry, the babysitter didn't show up and I didn't want to leave the kids--"

"It's fine..." I looked around at the mass of food on the table, "Did you make all this by yourself?"

"I just wanted to help."

I chuckled,

"You shouldn't have... I mean, it's all too much."

"It's no trouble."

We don't say anything else after that, I reach and take a seat at the table, "Damn. Girl, are you having a feast!" Yuri the shop manager walks into the room, she stops by every morning to have breakfast.

"Hey, handsome." She flirts with Luke like every other day since she's met him. Luke smiles and waves at her in response,

"Boys..." Luke ushers them.

"Bye, mama." They each kiss me before leaving with Luke, he starts to walk away and turns to me swiftly with a smile.

I threw in a faint one and looked away immediately, I'm aware of his intention, he's doing all of this to impress me, to get me to give him another chance. It's funny how his habits haven't changed,

"I can't believe you had that gorgeous man in your arms and you let him walk."

"It's complicated." I try not to give in details if only she knew half of it.

"What could he have done that's so bad? He's so sweet plus he's an amazing father, he freaking loves you, have you seen the way he looks at you... like he's infatuated with you, it might look a little creepy, but it's still sweet. . I wish I could get a man to text me back, and you have your ex-husband serving you delicious breakfast in the morning." She muttered she helped herself.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I got up to leave, stopping this conversation, it could end in different ways.

"Can I take some of this to the store? There's no way you're eating this all by yourself..."

"Help yourself then."

"Wait! did he sleep here last night? You didn't, AH—"

"Yuri, don't start. I'm leaving..." I grabbed a piece of bacon and hurried to work, sighing on the way.

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