Chapter 5

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The sunlight fills the room, persuading me from my deep sleep to wakefulness. I stretch out and open my eyes, immediately catching sight of Luke, sitting next to me in his business attire, watching me."Good morning," he mumbled, removing tousled mob of hair from my face, "Sleep well?" he asked and I nodded, staring wide at him, still naked and sore from last night's.

"So did I?" he leaned and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. Inhaling his deciduous lemon scent, I looked ahead and noticed the packed suitcase,

"You're leaving?" I frowned.

"I'm sorry..." he says.

I groan, "I can't believe you would leave like this and on a weekend, What am I supposed to do?" I grumbled.

"Jane." he grasps my head in his hands, "It's just for a few days, I'll be back in your arms before you know it." he leaned forward and pecked my forehead, "Will make sure to call every night." He added.

I muzzle against his lips, sighing in defeat, "Text me when you land." I whispered, a little sad that he was leaving on such short notice.

"I will," he said.

"Tuesday, and not a day later or I am coming to that meeting to get you," I warned him playfully and he chuckled sexily, poking my nose,

"I love you, Jane." I said and beamed wearily, "I love you, too." I reply in a sing-song tone. He chuckles and leans down to caress my lips again, then getting up, he reached for his suitcase to leave. "Behave," he says on his way out and like a whirlwind, he was gone. As I was completely alone I huffed and soaked in the warmth of my covers for a while before letting my blue eyes see the sun's rays.

Sighing, I climbed out of bed and dragging my nude self into the bathroom.

I reached the mirror sink to inspect my scars, twirling back and forth. My ribs were still pale with a small purple scar from where he smacked me across the wall. I rubbed it in pain, there were even a few faint grazes lining my lower abdomen, my thighs even. But I know I'm lucky to have good skin or what would I have done? I sighed and averting away, I reached out to wear my tracksuit.

It was a tradition of mine to jog every Saturday morning, not only was it refreshing. It's the only day in the week that gives me a little extra time to myself. I wore my joggers and tied my lace before heading out of the bedroom door. I jogged towards the kitchen, running into Maria serving the kid's breakfast. "Morning Ma'am." Maria greeted and I smiled at her politely. The boys turned my direction, grimacing, "Morning mamma." they chorused,

"Morning boys." I smiled and went to give each a kiss, causing Joseph to giggle more, "So what are my boys having this morning?" I said looking around the garnished breakfast table.

"Bacon." Joseph mumbled, chewing a piece of bacon, "Hmm..delicioso, Mamma." he squealed and I giggled, kissing him again before turning to direct Maria.

"Take care of my babies and please clean up after," I instructed and while she nodded, the doorbell rang. Who could that be? I sighed and went to get it. I opened the door and sighed again realizing who it was standing at the door. "Mamma?" I sneered.

"Jane?" She shot back making her way in. I rolled my eyes shutting the door behind. I watched her prowl her eyes around the living room suspiciously, it's true that mother and I aren't in the best terms right now, not for anything other than the fact that mother despises Luke.

"He's not home," I said and she rolled her eyes sarcastically,

"I'm just here to see my grandkids." She said, "Now where are they? Kids grandma is here." She yelled, avoiding my gaze.

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