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"Why are you even here?" I asked, adjusting the phone in my ear.

"Why are you doing this, Jane?" Chante asked, from the other side of the glass.

"What exactly am I doing?" My voice is calm and steady. She adjusted the phone and leaned closer to the glass,

"Why are you saying all this lies about Luke? You know he's a good man and it's not fair what you are doing to him." I scoffed in disbelief, the nerve of this woman, "If you weren't happy with him, all you had to do was leave--"

"Shut up!" I growled, my palms itching to slap her across the face, people began to stare at us, I continued not caring. I was skyrocketing with rage, "How dare you, how dare you to insinuate that Luke hitting me is my fault."

"Jane you know what I mean."

"What?" I raised my voice,

"I'm saying you should stop acting like he's the only one at fault here, I saw you--"

"What are you talking about?"

"The night at the top hotel, the same night you announced the opening of your firm, Luke and I were looking for you and then I saw you getting out of the bathroom with John McCain. He had his zip down, his shirt worn out, your hair was all over the place."


"Don't deny it Jane, I know what I saw." She said,

Then it hit me,

It was the night I made the announcement about starting a firm, the same night I spilled wine on John McCain, my boss and I escorted him to the bathroom to help him clean up, then he started making silly advances.

"Luke didn't say anything about it, but I saw how hurt he was, I can't even imagine how it would feel to have the woman I love cheat on me and not say anything."

"Nothing happened." I sobbed , to think that a minor misunderstanding, was the reason for all that....all that pain and humiliation, "How could you have kept that from me?" I yelled at her in tears.

"Luke wanted to fix things between you two and it wasn't in my place to say anything--"

"You are my sister!" I growled, startling her, "How could you have thought I could do something like that?"

"Jane, I'm sorry...But what did you have me think? You never talked to me or the girls about anything, you always seemed moody and unsatisfied with your life, then I saw you with John, and I just assumed it was because you were having an affair."

"Or it was just convenient for you to assume that."

"What's that supposed?"

"It means you were always envious, jealous of the life I had, you wanted it all-" A world I would rather for any other in an instant.

"Jane, you know that's not true."

I took the phone out my ear, sniffling, then I wiped my tears and picked it up again,

"Did the girls know too?" I asked.

"They just found out, Amaya's mad."

"So is that why you all testified against me?" I asked again, everything just started to make sense.

"I'm sorry, it was never my intention to hurt you or compromise this case in any way, I just --" She paused abruptly and sighed, "You should see him on that bed, he's a mess of himself."

"Time up." An officer came to take me away.

"One minute," I said and the officer stepped aside,

"Jane..." She started and I raised my hand, telling her to stop, I didn't want to hear anything else from her.

"I don't care whatever reason you had to lie to me, I just want to know one thing, did you take out the cameras?" I was more determined to make it out of here, I'm not going to rot in here because of some misconception.

"What camera? Camera, What are you talking about?" Her response showed she was clueless, I stood up to leave, "Jane--" she called.

I dropped the phone and walked away.

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