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Olivia called early in the morning, begging me to see her, she even texted an address, she seemed so frightened that I couldn't ignore it.

I was still disappointed in her, but that's by the way.

I sighed and got out of the car. I was looking at an old apartment which resembled the one she sent, I hoped it was.

I pressed the bell and waited for someone to answer, the downstairs door soon unlocked.

I entered and climbed up the stairs, making it to the door.

I knocked and in less than 10 seconds, the door flew open, it was Olivia, "Oh, dear lord." I gasped as I took her in, she had scars and bruises all over.

In tears, she reached and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you came, Jane." She sobbed.

I pulled away and led her inside the house. It was an empty apartment with a single thin mattress at the end of the room, her kids were sleeping soundly on it.

"You found him?" I was surprised.

"Yes.." She whimpered, "Uhm, Frank left him at his mistress... She molested h--" She choked, not able to finish her words, I threw my hands in my mouth shocked.

Olivia fell on the floor, crying all over again.

I quickly went and held her, rocking her to ease, "I'm sorry, I can't even imagine someone could do such a thing to a child." I said as she wailed even harder. I just held her in my arms as she cried to her heart's content. I wouldn't want anyone to stop me if my boys were the case, "I'm so sorry..." I kept whispering.

Olivia cried for a long time and then pulled herself together,

"I found Frank left Jack with his mistress from an old friend, so I went to get him. I didn't think Frank would be there alone. He caught me but I managed to hit him and got away. I-I didn't care if he was dead. I just grabbed my kids and a few belongings and ran here, this used to be a friend's apartment..." Her voice was still shaky, "I'm so sorry, Jane."

"It's fine, Olivia. I'm just glad you and your kids are okay.."

"No, I took those tapes to help you in court but then Frank found them and put wicked thoughts in my head..."

"It was no use anyway, I wasn't even able to use them in court anymore. Luke testified and changed the whole story...let's say bringing up the tapes would have complicated the case..."

"I'm sorry..." Olivia whispered.

"It's fine... I'm just glad everything is back to normal." Luke has been good.

He's even suggested I returned to work.

He's registered for rehab, and in a few weeks he would be leaving for a whole year of treatment,

Joseph would also be leaving for 3 months.

"So what now!?" I asked her.

"I will be leaving for New York, I have a close family who's willing to take us in, she has a huge mansion so we would be fine, Frank wouldn't be able to find us there."

"I'm so happy for you." I told her, "At least you would have a fresh start."

"Come with me, Jane.." She cut in, "Leave Luke, you can bring your boys, we could live together, you would have so many opportunities in New York with your qualifications--"

"My family is here." I told her.

"Jane, you're only family right now should be your kids, do not make the same mistakes I did.." She reached for a bag and pulled out a card, "Anyway, the kids and I would be leaving tonight, I can't risk any more chances with them, you can come find us whenever you change your mind.."

I took the card and glanced it, conflicted within myself.

"I really hope you make the right decision and leave Luke. Do not wait until it's too late like I did.."

Her last words wavered in my ear to this day.....

"This is so tragic?" Someone muttered as I stared at Olivia's white pale body in the casket, "Did you know Olivia?"

"She was a friend." I replied,

"Poor child, she endured so much to end up in a coffin, right from childhood the world had in for her, disowned by her parents, married to monsters, whipped to death--"

"She was supposed to be in New York." I muttered to myself as I watched people pay their last respect, everything felt so unreal. One second I was holding her in my arms and the next day she was gone.

"Those poor children, they have to live with that horrible man."

I couldn't take anymore of the pain and just fled, I hurried to the car, holding in the tears threatening to burst out.

I ended up throwing up at the side of the road and just exploded into tears.

"Excuse me---" Someone managed to snatch my attention between it all, "My name is Anne, I was Olivia's lawyer. I see your in pain..." I looked up from the floor to see a woman in black dress, "It's a terrible thing what happened to her, I won't wish that on anyone, not even upon my worst enemies, and yet the bastard didn't even show up to pay his last respects."


"I regret not being of much help to her, but I hope I'm able to honor her last wish..."

I wiped my tears, and took proper attention to what she was saying, "Olivia somehow predicted this day would come, which is why she made you the temporary custodian of her children." She showed me some documents together with a letter addressed to me, "She said you would know where to take them when the time comes."

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