Chapter 25

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Another day in court, the prosecutor took another step forward, "Lady's and gentlemen of the jury, today once again we are seated in this room to prove beyond reasonable doubt that, Jane Grace Hampton, attempted to kill her husband, Luke Hampton in cold..." He paused and continued, "But today, we have with us the evidence, the gun, this one..." he picked up and demonstrated it to the court, "With this exact Gun, the defendant, Mrs. Jane Hampton, shot her husband ten times, as if that wasn't enough, she stabbed him on the leg. Well, the motive would show why did it, but it's up to you to show what happens to people who break the law, people like Jane Hampton who are psycho killers, people with no regard or feelings for human life." he pushed, whilst I remained numb through the process, "You have a chance a here, a chance to save lives by taking Jane Hampton, a psycho killer off the streets forever..." he went silent for moment before placing away the evidence and stepping back to his seat.


"Mrs. Hampton?" The judge calls my attention but I remained numb.

"Mrs. Hampton?" He called again, having my lawyer snapping out of it. "Opening statements." he added, she quickly stood to her feet and straighting her jacket she walked and faced the jury with a sigh.

He took a moment, appeasing the jury before speaking, "We have all heard the prosecutor assert to prove that my client his guilty. But what we would like you to know is that same gun would also prove that my client his not guilty. Jane Hampton is not a pshycho killer, she's a mother, a friend, and most importantly, she an agent of the lawyer, Jane here as saved more lives than I can count, I'm sure a lot of people in this court would testify to that... just look at her, she's paralyzed with shock, this a nightmare for her, as it should be for anyone who is on trial for attempted murder of a man she's spent half a decade with, this same man is the father of her children. Jane adored her husband, and she's not to blame for what's happened." Julia paused and stared at the court before returning to her seat, she turns and gives me an encouraging smile

"Call the first witness?" The judge said.

"Prosecution calls detective.

The detective appears and takes the stand, "Do somely swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, under the pains and penalty of perjury?"

"I do."

The high backs away and the prosecutor approaches the stand, "Detective Thomas. Were you the officer that was called to the defendant's address."


"What happened when you appeared at the scene?"

"Luke Hampton was lying on the floor, bleeding to death.

"And the defendant?"

"Mrs. Hampton was just standing
there, holding her son."

"Who called 911?"

"We get an anonymous call, saying there was a shooting at the so address."

"Who else was in the house, besides Mr. and Mrs. Hampton?" the prosecutor asked.

"Just the kids."

"No further questions." He said and backed away.

My lawyer got up and approached the stand, "Did you see my client shooting Mr. Hampton?" She asked him.

"No.." he answered

"So you just assumed?"

"No, we have DNA testing?"

"Well, can your DNA test prove that my client pulled the trigger."

"Mrs. Hampton's finger print was the only print found in the gun--"

"So it's possible that someone could have cleaned out the gun and placed it in my clients hands?"

The detectecive smirks, "Thatst highly unlikely, in this case."

"I didn't ask if it was unlikely, I asked if there is a reasonable possibility that could happen?"

"Yes, anything is possible."

Julia was the one to smirk this time, "No further questions." She said and walked back to her seat, "Now let's just hope Luke remains in comma." She muttered and my heart quickened.

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