Chapter 28

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"Okay, let's go over the story again, tell me everything that happened the night in question, try to remember every detail, even the slightest or most pointless detail is very important in this case."


I got off the phone with Olivia and went to the kids room to pack, "Mamma, where are we going?" Joseph asked, hovering around me as I gathered some clothes...

"We are going on a trip," I tell him, scurrying around the room to gather the kid's things. Mine was already loaded in the car this morning.

After ten years, I had finally made the decision to leave Luke, to run from him, I couldn't do it anymore and if he found out I lost our baby, I won't be spared to see another sunrise.

I had our new passports, identity cards, money, tickets, and Mamma was waiting with James at the train station, the plan was going perfectly.

"What of James?" Joseph asked.

"He will meet us there." I shove more things into the bags and zipped them up, "Come on, we can't miss the train."

I took a look around, before grabbing the bag and Joseph, then we darted out of the room.

Luke was in Phoenix for another contract meeting, he won't be back till Monday morning, at least that was what I thought.

"Mamma, I forgot Mr. Bugsby," Joseph whined as I dragged him with me.

"We can get it later." I tell him.

We rushed out in the living room and a loud paralyzing gasp escaped my lips abruptly,

Luke was sitting in the middle of the living room in his suit, his hand up to his chin and he's slowly running his index finger rhythmically back and forth over his lower lip as if scheming.

My heart almost stops.

He's here. How did he get here? He must have left Phoenix early. How long has he been sitting here? All those thoughts and questions were running through my head.

His eyes burning with grave intensity but his general expression was completely unreadable.

I was terrified,

He shifted his gaze to Joseph and I quickly hid him behind me protectively.

"Joseph, come give daddy a hug." He called him. I tried to hold him back, but he slipped out of my grasp and walked to his father. Luke then cupped and kissed his forehead before pulling away to look at him properly, "And, Where's mamma taking you?"

"We are going on a trip?" Joseph answered.

"Is that so.." He exclaimed, giving me a short glimpse, "Do you know where?" He asked.

"Mamma said it's a surprise.

"A surprise vacation without daddy, that seems unfair, where's James?" The way he spoke sent shivers down my spine.

"He's at grandma's?" Joseph said innocently.

"Good." He smiled at him, ruffling his hair, "Why don't you take my case upstairs? I got a lot of gifts, you can and open them in your room, while I have a talk with mamma."

"Okay." Joseph grabbed the suitcase and went upstairs.

"Be careful and remain inside." He waited to hear the door get shut before barreling up his feet.

"Luke--" I dropped the bags in my hands and backed away, but that made him take steps forward.

He scoffed, stepping forward,

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