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Staring out of my bedroom window, I could hear the birds chirping. It's the end of summer. That time of the year where blades and flowers explode, and every sunset is different.

It's my favorite season. But I couldn't appreciate it with everything that's happened, this is probably the lowest I've ever felt in my entire life.

I stare out of the window, and notice people walking, kids playing in their yards, an old couple sitting on their porch reading a book. The world doesn't stop for them. It must be nice, you know? To have complete freedom of your world and not have to worry about anything.

Luke has wrecked my life. For the past fifteen years, he tormented me, he demolished almost every relationship I had. Friends, family, coworkers. Everything.

Now, I'm sitting in a protection home alone, three months pregnant and more afraid than I've ever been in my entire life. I feel myself sinking deeper into this nightmare, even more, each day.

Sighing, I continued to stare.

It takes my mind off things to watch other people live their lives freely.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp kick, the second one this week, feisty. I chuckled and rubbed my bump, staring down with a smile.

The thought of having another child baffles me. I don't know if I would be able to protect this child, I couldn't even protect my older kids, how am I going to protect this little one?

The police, of course, couldn't catch him, more or less find my children. I'm starting to lose every shred of hope I had in the justice system. What more do they need to find him? And get me, my babies.

Sometimes, I wonder if it will take him killing me for them to do anything. Or for my babies to become another statistic of missing kids before someone does something about it.

I can't wait to have my boys so we can finally flee this vile country once and for all.

A knock came on the door suddenly.

I cleared my throat and waited for whoever it was to enter,

It opened revealing Mark, he stepped in gradually with a smile,



He walks over to me and I noticed the box in his hand. "I brought donuts, I heard you liked them." he said, placing them on the table in front of me.

"Thanks." I smiled at the gesture and tried not to be mad at him. How can I even think of eating when my kids are still missing? They like donuts too, especially the chocolate ones, they are Joseph's favorite.

"I'm aware it's insensitive of me to get you this, but you haven't eaten anything. Jane, you need to look out for yourself and the baby."

I ignored his concern,

"I think I should stop by the agency again, hopefully, they have found something relevant."

I've been at the crime agency every day since, but they are of no help. I can't stop the feeling that something is wrong.

"Jane, please eat something."

The bell rings suddenly. Mark and I become alert, "Are you expecting anyone?" He asked.

I shook my head,

More ringing...

"Stay here." He ordered.

I nodded and watched him leave to get the door. I waited in the room as he had asked for a while but when I don't hear anything, I stepped out slowly to check,


I hear voices coming from the living room, I moved towards it and noticed two officers standing in the middle of the room,

Mark was talking to them in whispers,

"What's going on?" They turn to notice me.

Mark on the other hand looked drained like something horrible had happened,

"What happened?"

No one is saying anything, they just kept staring at me. "Can someone fucking say something?! Did you find my babies?" I yelled in irritation. What's with all the nonsense? It's driving me insane.

Mark walks over and tries to pacify me, "Jane, um, these are officers, they are here because s-something happened. ..P-Please, sit." He speaks, but his voice trails slowly, like his words are unwilling to take flight. There is a sadness in his eyes, the brown too glossy.

"Tell me." I sob.

His mouth remains an uncharacteristic grim line amid his stubble.

"Tell me.." I begged him.

"They caught Luke, he's being arrested as we speak, and they found a ledger which implicates him with the la amore crime so he won't be getting out of this anytime soon."

Why am I not surprised? It's not the first time Luke has been involved in something shady.

"And, my kids? Are they okay? Did someone find them?"

He doesn't answer that, and almost robotically his hand rises upward and tries to touch me,

"Jane, um.."

"For fucks sake, Mark. . Spell it out!"

"It is my kids?" I quiver as a wave of fear rushes over me, "Did something happen to them?!"

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"It is my kids?" I quiver as a wave of fear rushes over me, "Did something happen to them?!"

He regards me before speaking--

"There was a fire incident at the house they caught Luke, the boys were trapped in their room....and, um, Joseph, he... didn't make it." he whispered.

It took a second for the words to sink in before I stopped breathing and a scream tore out of my lungs.

Liesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें