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"Hello." Dr. Drew finally flew in to Florida to meet me after days of waiting for her. "You must be Jane." She extended her arms to me and I took it.

"Yes, thank you for meeting me."

"I'm sorry we have to meet at a hotel, I can't be seen--"

"No, I understand." I cut in.

"Thank you.." She pulled away and gestured me to sit, "If I'm being honest I've been yearning to see you, Luke spoke so regularly of you in our sessions I became curious, he's so very fond of you, and I must say he wasn't wrong in describing you, you are such a beauty."

"Oh, thank you." I formed a smile.

"What would you like to have?"

"No, I'm fine.." My eyes glimpsed at the file in front of us.

"Oh, yes. This is Luke's file.." She spoke as she opened it, "So how long have you been married?"

"Er...Almost 13 years." I tried not to peak at the content of the file.

"That's quite a long time." She emphasized on the long,

"I want to know what's wrong with him, is he okay?"

She cleared her throat and leaned forward, saying.

"Luke is a very....remarkable, though it took a lot of effort to get him to speak about himself in our sessions, he eventually opened up about his brother, Sam, amongst other things."

"Yeah, Luke had an awful childhood...we've been juggling through it for years.. So are you saying that's the source of his problem?

"Well, a history of childhood traumatic experience has been associated with increased vulnerability, this vulnerability can lead to multiple mental disorders, including mood disorders and personality disorders."

"Luke has a disorder?" I was surprised.

"From what we've gathered, yes. DID, also known as multiple personality disorder."

"Luke is mentally ill, that's what you're implying?!"

"I'm surprised he hasn't been diagnosed before now, or had any sort of therapy or treatment. He must have shown some signs of it, did you ever notice any behavioral changes?"

"Okay, I'm just going to lay it all out on the table and tell you that Luke is very manipulative, he's very abusive and violent, and I'm done fighting him, I'm done running, he always finds me and then it's this rollercoaster all over again. I'm done with that. Right now I'm just looking for a way around it. So tell me if there is a treatment he should try, or medication that works best for his case? give me something..."

"Mr. Hampton."

"Just call me Jane."

"Jane, I'm going to be honest, that there's no way around these kinds of disorders. Unless the patient learns to control whatever emotion they feel through psychotherapy..."

"Is that what he's doing right now? Controlling it."

"I can't say."

"You're also not telling me if the treatment worked?"

"Well, he didn't stay long enough to see it through. After the first treatment, we decided to extend his program for another year for proper observation, but Mr. Hampton refused the extended treatment, he said he felt better already and just walked away."

"Well, right now he seems fine and sweet, and it's terrifying.."

"Has he always been violent with you?"

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