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I stare out in space, a knock came in snatching my attention, I turned to see Mark,

"Hey." I smile and he walks over,

"I came bearing good news, and also bad news, I would start with the good news, we finally got that injunction, the center is going to be shut down pending an investigation, and all the victims will be transferred to a better facility, they are going to be alright."

"Thank God." I sighed in relief, "I'm glad that something has come out of this."

        "Now to the bad news...We couldn't find Rose." He said and my heart rate quickneed, "She's nowhere at the center, no one has seen her in a while."


"Are you sure she didn't escape with you that night?" he asked.

"No, I mean, I don't know, I didn't have the time to look back." I got up and paced, "What if they did something to her?" I became frantic at the thought, "They killed her!"

"Hey, calm down." He reached over and appeased me, "It's alright, I would send some officers to look for her, I'm sure she's out there. If anything comes up I will let you know."

I nodded, and moved away from him,

"Thank you."


"Um, heard you're going back to Luke?" he waves in.

I nodded,

"Yes. Luke won't let me see my kids unless I come home, he knows they are my only weaknesses. . . Did you find anything on him? Anything at all?"

"No, he's clean, either that or he's really good at covering his tracks." I scoffed, Luke is a mastermind in covering his trails,   disappointment, that's what I get for hoping for too much. "If you want I could send in more security."

"No, it's fine, I mean It's going to be fine for now, I told him about the pregnancy and he's not mad anymore, he's really excited and just wants me home." I try not to fiddle, I was fucking worried.

"Jane, you're an attorney, a good one at that, you shouldn't be afraid of Luke when you can turn this thing around."

"The system can't do shit for me. "

"You don't need the system to fight back."

"You know the third time Luke laid his hands on me, I did ask for help, I called in an agency, they made all these promises but in the end I was dragged back to Luke, they called it the postpartum phase.  ..I've done everything to stay away from him, I have fled the country, I've changed identifies, I've even succeeded in divorcing him, but nothing ever works with Luke, Luke fears no one, Luke always gets what he wants, the only way to Luke is through Luke, and I don't see that happening. .."

"You should fight him in court, I know some people."

"And, what's that gonna do, huh? You don't know Luke like I do, the moment I bring this up in court, he's going to tear me apart with all sorts of allegations, he's always one step ahead, plus he has all sorts of connections, I'll lose everything."

"So you're just gonna give up and just go back to him, you think that's wise."

"I'm going to get my kids, that's what I'm doing." I sigh and settle down, my feet was starting to hurt.

"How far are you?" He asked softly,

"I think 4 weeks."

"And, how are you?"

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