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Charles sat on on one of the small round tables in a cozy little bakery sipping his coffee and absently flipping the pages of a book. The afternoon sun filtered through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the quaint interior, and the inviting aroma of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air. As he waited for his order for a slice of red velvet cake, his gaze wandered to the counter where a young woman was busy attending to customers. Her hair was pulled back in a loose bun, and her eyes sparkled as she conversed with them.

Kathleen, the owner of the bakery, moved with grace and purpose, her laughter filled the room with a jovial atmosphere. Charles occasionally stole glances at her, captivated by her presence and warmth that seemed to radiate from her.

Their eyes met, a small, genuine smile graced Kathleen's lips. The brief exchange of shared glances sparked an unexpected connection, and Charles found himself more drawn to her and wanted to discover more about the woman that stood behind the counter.

Weeks turned into months, and as Charles became a regular customer, his admiration for Kathleen deepened. He watched her work tirelessly to maintain the charm of her modest bakery, from baking the loveliest cakes to serving the best coffee in tha area. With each passing day, his fondness for Kathleen grew, and before he knew it, his heart began to flutter at the sight of her smile.

As their bond blossomed, Charles introduced Kathleen to his circle of friends and colleagues after they both started dating. He invited her to lavish events and parties. He reveled in the attention she received, her gracious nature drawing people in like moths to a flame. Yet, as time passes, a shadow of disapproval seemed to linger when Kathleen's modest background was questioned by the elites. Charles occasionally caught whispers and condescending glances, and he was slowly overcomed with a sense of embarrassment, fearing judgement for Kathleen's simple upbringing.

And in a moment of profound foolishness, he allowed the insecurities to cloud his judgement. He found himself withdrawing from Kathleen, hesitating to bring her along to the high-profile events that he so much loved to do before. The whispers of disapproval eventually infected his own thoughts. He began to doubt the validity of his profound connection with Kathleen, allowing the superficial opinion of others to taint his perception of her.

Finally, in a misguided attempt to confirm societal norms, Charles made the greatest mistake to end their relationship. He was young, blinded by his own misguided sense of pride and the allure of wealth and influence. He deemed it necessary to judge who he associated with solely based on their financial status, squandering the genuine connection he had shared with Kathleen.

As the memory of that fateful decision haunted him, Charles felt the weight of his actions tugging at his conscience. Life without Kathleen was a constant reminder of the love he had forsaken.

What A Foolish Man He Was.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now