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Lana could feel the tension building up in the room, like the heavy weight of a storm about to unleash its fury. She watched as her father kept on questioning her mother about what happened to her eyes. The atmosphere grew uncomfortably thick, suffocating her in its suffocating embrace. Sensing the need to escape, Lana discreetly excused herself from the dining table, feigning a search for a lost stuffed toy in her bedroom.

As she reached the sanctuary of her room, Lana closed the door behind her and let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Leaning against the door, she tried to block out the sounds of hushed voices drifting up from the dining room.

While downstairs at the dinning table, Charles, had dropped his cutlery and was now intently focused on her mother, Kathleen. His eyes searched hers for answers, his voice laced with concern as he asked what had happened to her. Kathleen took time to compose herself, her eyes swimming with unshed tears. She took a shaky breath before responding.

"I've just been troubled by personal problems, Charles. It's been a difficult night, and I couldn't sleep," Kathleen replied, her voice betraying a hint of vulnerability. It was a partial truth, carefully crafted to shield the depth of her pain. She knew the roots of her distress stretched far deeper, entangled in matters of the heart and the complexities of love – matters she couldn't bring herself to share with her him.

Charles, though not entirely convinced, nodded reluctantly. He could sense there was something more, something Kathleen wasn't disclosing, but he respected the boundaries she had set. With a sigh, he extended a reassuring hand across the table, his voice thick with concern. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I hope you know you can come to me, Kathleen. We are friends, after all."

Kathleen met Charles's gaze, a mixture of gratitude and remorse shadowing her features. She discreetly shook her head, subtly urging him to let the matter rest. It was a silent plea for understanding, a plea to shield her heart from the pain she still grappled with. She knew that for now, the depths of her struggles were best kept hidden. The faintest of nods passed between them, an unspoken agreement to continue this topic another day.

Just then, the maid, Rose, arrived with a piping hot cup of coffee, placing it delicately in front of Kathleen. Offering a grateful smile, Kathleen wrapped her trembling hands around the warmth of the cup, allowing it to permeate her senses. The fragrant aroma danced in the air, momentarily distracting her from the turmoil within.

As Kathleen took a sip of the steaming coffee, its comforting bitterness danced across her tongue. For a fleeting moment, it provided a respite from the bitterness that threatened to consume her heart.

Minutes ticked by, each passing second etching deeper lines of worry on Kathleen's face. Just as the silence threatened to engulf them all, Lana reappeared from her room, her presence offering a glimmer of relief.

So with that, Kathleen and Lana made their way out of Charles's house.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now