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Lana's tear-stained face and aching heart had finally taken a toll on her weary body. She had cried for hours on end, her emotions pouring out like an unruly storm. The weight of her troubles had manifest themselves into a fever, which greeted her the next morning like an unwelcome intruder. The sharp pang in her head made her world spin, and Lana's body trembled with delirium. The tears didn't bring relief; they had brought her to the threshold of illness.

Kathleen entered her daughter's room the next morning and found her curled up beneath a mountain of blankets, her brow furrowed in distress. Fear engulfed Kathleen's heart like icy tendrils. She rushed to Lana's side, laying a palm against her forehead. An intense heat radiated from beneath her touch, sending shivers down Kathleen's spine. This was no mere cold; Lana was burning up with fever.

Without a moment's hesitation, Kathleen sprang into action. School would have to be put on hold for Lana today, as she needed immediate care. Gently, Kathleen removed the perspiration-soaked sheets from Lana's frail body, replacing them with a cool towel soaked in water. A desperate attempt to bring down the raging inferno that threatened to consume Lana.

Racing against the clock, Kathleen dashed out of the room to fetch her own clothes and the car keys. Each second felt like an eternity, as every precious moment wasted could be detrimental to Lana's well-being. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, blurring the world around her as she scrambled to dress herself. Her racing thoughts were intertwined with fervent prayers, seeking solace in the divine.

Once dressed, Kathleen paused for a moment to steady herself. She dialled Charles's number, her fingers trembling with apprehension. Words spilled from her lips in a panicked flurry as she informed him of Lana's condition, the urgency in her voice mirroring the rapid thumping in her chest. Charles, too, felt the gravity of the situation and knew he had to act swiftly.

Swinging wide the doors of her car, Kathleen switched on the ignition, her foot heavy on the accelerator pedal. The engine roared to life, blending with Kathleen's racing heartbeat. She steered the vehicle with precision through the city streets, her focus unwavering. The sounds of honking and screeching tires echoed around her, all that mattered was reaching the hospital in quickly.

As she raced along the highway, Kathleen's mind raced just as fast. Worries and what-ifs clouded her thoughts, but she buried them deep within. They would serve no purpose now. All that mattered was Lana's well-being. The highway blurred past, the buildings and trees merging into a mosaic of colors as the vehicle zoomed towards their destination.

Meanwhile, Charles was heading towards the same hospital, his thoughts consumed by the urgency of Lana's  condition. He pushed his car to its limits, yet it still felt like an eternity before he would get there. He has to get there as soon as possible to be with both Kathleen and Lana.

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