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Before Charles knew it, it was a brand new day already, the weekend had flown by, and Monday had arrived – the beginning of another long week. Charles and Kathleen were still awkward around each other after the incident that happened two days ago but Charles brushed it off, and decided that he would be the one to drop his Lana off at school before heading off to work. So with that, he went down and planned to prepare breakfast for everyone.

Kathleen who also wanted to prepare breakfast for Lana froze when she saw Charles in the kitchen. Avoiding eye contact, she quickly said "Good morning, Charles, now that you're here i wanted to let you know that by the end of the week, Lana and I will be returning back to our home."

Charles pretended as though he hadn't heard her words, his focus solely on preparing Lana's favorite meal. But deep down, her announcement sent a wave of sadness through him. Having both Lana and Kathleen here brought him a sense of happiness and warmth that he hadn't felt in a long time so he couldn't just let them leave him.

Once breakfast was ready, Charles called out to Lana, urging Kathleen to quickly finish getting ready for school. They all ate together and then exchanged goodbyes with Kathleen, who was heading off to her bakery, and then Charles whisked Lana away to the car.

As the drivers drove towards Lana's school, Charles turned to take a look at his daughter. Her bright eyes and infectious smile reminded him of the immense joy she brought into his life. How could he bear to let her go? The thought of that alone made him upset.

Dropping Lana off, Charles watched her skip happily towards the school entrance, her tiny backpack bouncing on her shoulders. Once she was inside, he gave a quick wave and ordered his driver to take him to his office.

Arriving at work, Charles immediately immersed himself in his various projects and tasks. The day passed in a whirlwind of meetings, phone calls, and emails.

As Charles was about to leave the office, his phone rang. Surprised to see his parents' names flashing on the screen, he hesitated before answering. Reluctantly, he picked up the call.

"Charles, my boy, how are you doing?" his father's voice boomed through the phone. "Your mother and I wanted to come over and visit you."

Charles paused, considering his response. "I'm sorry, Dad," he replied, trying to sound genuinely apologetic. "I'm really busy right now, with everything going on at work. Let me get back to you, and we can figure out a better time for you to come." With that he quickly hung up the phone.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now