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True to Kathleen's words, after dropping Lana off at school the next day, she returned to Charles's house with determination and resolve. She knew she had to do this, there was no way she could continue to stay in a place that held such painful memories. She no longer wanted to be anywhere around Charles unless it involves Lana.

As she walked through the grand entrance of the mansion, suitcases in hand, she could feel the weight of the decision she had made. It was not an easy one, but it was the right one. Charles, who had just stepped out of his room and was heading towards the staircase, froze in his tracks when he saw Kathleen.

Confusion and concern danced in his eyes as he rushed towards her, concern etched on his face. "Kathleen, what's going on?" He blurted out, his voice filled with worry. "Why do you have a suitcase? You said you and Lana would leave this weekend. Did i do something wrong?".

Kathleen steeled herself against Charles's words, her eyes avoiding his gaze. She knew that this confrontation was bound to happen but she couldn't deny the truth any longer. Taking a deep breath, she finally found her voice. "Charles, i can't do this anymore. I can't keep on pretending everything is fine when it's not. What happened yesterday, it made everything clear to me". Her voice wavered slightly, betraying the emotional turmoil within her.

Charles's eyes widened with realization, and tried to close the distance between them. "Kathleen, please. Let's talk about this. I promise I'll change, I'll do anything to make it right. Both you and Lana mean everything to me".

Kathleen's heart ached at his words. She had loved Charles once, with all of her heart, but their relationship had been ruined. She looked at Charles, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and resentment. "Charles, you don't understand. It's not just about you and me anymore. It's about Lana too. She needs a healthy environment".

Charles after listening to her words finally gathered the courage to speak up, his voice tinged with regret. "Kathleen, i understand your concerns, but please consider Lana's well-being. She deserves to grow up in a loving family. We both saw how happy she was all this while we were together, living under the same roof".

Kathleen eyes welled up with tears as she looked at him. "I know Charles, i saw Lana's joy too. But can you truly say that this charade we've been playing is a healthy environment for her? Lana deserves a stable home, one where her parents are not torn between old wounds and unresolved emotions. I can't subject her to that anymore".

Charles's face softened with understanding and sadness. "I never wanted any of this to happen, Kathleen. I've made mistakes, but can i make it right for Lana's sake. Can't you give me a chance to prove myself?".

Kathleen released her heavy sigh and wiped away her tears. "Charles, i can't be with you anymore, not in this lifetime. The pain and hurt run too deep". With that, she turned away from them and continued her steady march towards the front door.

Charles's face contorted with anguish as he watched Kathleen walk away, his pleas for her to stay falling on deaf ears. He felt a mix of emotions, heartbreak, anger and regret. He sank to his knees, his hands clutching to his chest, as if trying to contain the pain that threatened to consume him.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum