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Kathleen woke up the next morning with red and swollen eyes from all of the crying she had done the previous night. The weight of her emotions weighed heavily on her shoulders as she contemplated the events that had unfolded. The rising sun cast a soft glow through the window, illuminating the room, but Kathleen's heart remained heavy.

As she pushed herself out of bed, she couldn't help but feel the unease building up inside of her. Today was Sunday, which meant she had to pick up Lana, her beloved daughter, from Charles's house. With a sigh, Kathleen forced herself to get ready. She washed her tear-stained face, attempting to hide the evidence of her turmoil beneath a mask of composure. She dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit - a pale blue dress adorned with delicate flowers - hoping to project a sense of strength and resilience.

Driving to Charles's house, Kathleen's heart raced as she approached the tall, imposing gates that guarded his property. The sight of the guards that had become accustomed to her presence sent mixed emotions coursing through her veins. They acknowledged her with a nod, their faces neutral, their actions following the strict instructions of their boss. The heavy iron gates slowly creaked open, granting Kathleen entrance into Charles's domain.

As she walked up to the grand entrance of the house, worry eating away at her, Kathleen's eyes quickly scanned the surroundings. The manicured lawns and blooming flower beds had always made her entranced, she couldn't help but stop to look at them whenever she passed by. Walking in, her heart skipped a beat as she caught a glimpse of Charles and Lana at the dining table, engrossed in their morning meal.

Unable to hold back her trepidation any longer, Kathleen approached the table, her steps faltering. Charles looked up from his plate and immediately noticed her red and swollen eyes. Concern etched across his face, he abandoned his breakfast and motioned for Kathleen to join them at the table. Lana, with her innocent eyes fixed on her mother, watched their interaction silently.

Kathleen took a deep breath, attempting to find the strength she so desperately needed. She sat down hesitantly, her eyes flickering from Charles to Lana and back again. The tension in the room was palpable, and her anxiety threatened to consume her.

Without wasting another moment, Charles leaned forward, his voice filled with urgency and worry as he demanded answers about what had happened to Kathleen.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now