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Kathleen felt a mixture of frustration and disbelief as Charles made his plea. Her mind raced, trying to make sense of his words. How could he expect her to take responsibility for him just because he had a minor injury? It seemed like an unreasonable request, particularly given their complicated relationship.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself before responding. "Charles, I understand that you're injured, but I can't just drop everything to take care of you. You have employees who can assist you with your daily tasks. It's not fair for you to place this burden on me."

Charles pouted, looking at her with pleading eyes. "But Kathleen, it's different when it's you taking care of me. I trust you. Plus, I need someone who knows me well to handle things, and as you said i got injured while trying to save you."

"No, Charles," she said firmly, standing her ground. "I refuse to do that... I'm sorry."

As the tension between them escalated, a knock interrupted their heated conversation. Lana, who had been quietly munching on doughnuts in the corner, trotted over to the door, along with one of Charles's employee.

"Sir, I brought Miss Lana back safely" he said, glancing at the two of them curiously.

Charles sighed, frustration still etched on his face. "Thank you Steven, you can leave now".

Charles then turned towards Lana. "Lana darling please come here. Daddy needs some support. I can't bear the thought of not having someone to lean on during this recovery period, but your mommy doesn't want to help me" he complained.

Clearing her throat, Kathleen spoke gently. "Charles, I can't be that support for you. If you want someone by your side, hire a professional caregiver. But Lana and I will be leaving once you're discharged from the hospital."

Lana, who had been observing the interaction between her parents, looked up at her mother with wide, innocent eyes. "Mommy, why don't you want to take care of Daddy? You know he saved both of us... Right?".

Charles couldn't help but beam with pride at the love and admiration in Lana's voice. He knew he had to seize this opportunity and use it to bridge the gap between himself and Kathleen.

He reached out to Lana, pulling her onto his lap. "You're right sweetheart, i saved both you and your mom but she isn't ready to save me from my pain", he said making it look like he was about to cry.

But maybe she can help me find a suitable caregiver. How does that sound, Kathleen? A caregiver?" He asked while pouting.

"Mommy i refuse, we both have to take care of daddy" Lana said while on the verge of tears, and that's how Kathleen agreed to go back home with Charles and Lana.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now