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David, seeing the exhaustion etched on Kathleen's face, gently placed his hand on her shoulder. "You've been in the hospital with Charles for so long, Kathleen. It's time for you to go home and rest. Lana will be missing you terribly too."

Kathleen hesitated, feeling torn between wanting to stay by Charles' side and longing to be with Lana. A pang of guilt tugged at her heart every time she thought of her daughter, who had been staying with their compassionate neighbor, Mrs. Shirley. But David's urging brought her back to reality. She realized that her little girl needed her presence, her embrace, now more than ever.

Nodding reluctantly, Kathleen whispered, "You're right, David. Lana must be worried sick about both her father and me." She mustered a weak smile, trying to ignore the overwhelming exhaustion that threatened to consume her. "I'll go home and check on her. I'll be back as soon as I can."

With a sense of relief mixed with worry, David watched Kathleen walk away, her steps heavy and burdened. He knew that to heal Charles depended not only on medical attention but also on the love and support of his family. Though he worried about Kathleen's fraying strength, he prayed that her return to Lana's side would bring solace to both mother and daughter.

Kathleen couldn't deny the sense of relief that washed over her as she stepped into her familiar apartment, leaving the antiseptic smell of the hospital behind. The sterile white walls and the constant beeping of machine had become a suffocating reality during the past days, and the thought of finally being back home brought her a much needed sense of calm.

Once inside, Kathleen hurriedly made her way next door to Mrs Shirley's apartment, her thoughts preoccupied with how Lana had been coping with her absence. The door creaked open, and Mrs Shirley's warm smile greeted Kathleen, instantly putting her at ease.

Mrs. Shirley's eyes twinkled with kindness as she replied, "Oh, Kathleen, it was my pleasure. Lana is such a sweet and bright girl. Having her around brought joy to my days. We shared stories and laughter, and she even helped me with some gardening." She chuckled warmly. "You've raised a remarkable daughter."

Lana hearing her mother's voice, bounded into the room and threw herself at Kathleen, her small arms wrapping tightly around her mother's legs. "Mommy, you're back!" She exclaimed, her eyes shinning with joy.

Kathleen crouched down and enveloped Lana in a warm hug, comforting embrace. "I missed you too, sweetie", she whispered, pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead.

She held her daughter tightly, cherishing thisreunion. The fears and worries that had consumed her were momentarily forgotten as she reveled in the warmth of Lana's embrace. This was the solace she had longed for—the comfort of her daughter's innocent love and longing.

After what felt like an eternity, Kathleen reluctantly released Lana, wiping away the tears that had gathered in her eyes. She looked into Lana's bright gaze, which mirrored Charles' more and more with each passing day. The resemblance struck her deeply, tugging at her heartstrings. She knew that Lana missed her father as much as she did.

Together, Kathleen and Lana made their way back to their own apartment, a sense of normalcy finally settling around them.

As soon as they both entered their apartment, Lana spoke "mommy" she said, her voice soft and filled with longing. "When will daddy be able to come home?".

Kathleen swallowed the lump forming in her throat, struggling to find the right words. "We're still unsure, sweetheart. But the doctors are doing everything they can to help Daddy get better. We have to be patient, for his sake."

Lana's face fell momentarily, but she quickly regained her composure, determination shining in her eyes. "I'll be strong for Daddy, Mama. Just like you."

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