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Kathleen,” he began, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and hope, I'll never get tired of repeating these words, i know I've made terrible mistakes. I've hurt you, and I'll forever carry the burden of that". His words hung heavy in the air, as if the weight of his sins threatened to suffocate him.

Kathleen turned her attention to him, her eyes guarded and distant. Her lips tightened as she took the whisk she was using before and continued working, her movements determined and deliberate. She seemed determined not to yield an inch.

"You've betrayed my trust once, left me because you thought that i was no longer worthy to be with you, left me alone to pick up the broken pieces of my heart and raise Lana alone. I would be stupid if i decided to be with you again". She said her voice laced with bitterness.

Charles winced at the truth in her words, the sting of his failures searing through his heart. Yet, deep down, he still continued to cling to a sliver of hope, a flicker of possibility. "I understand your anger, Kathleen," he replied, his voice wavering slightly. "I want to be with you. I want to make things right, to atone for my past mistakes."

Kathleen’s hands faltered for a moment.

Charles continued, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "I won't deny the pain I've caused you, but I can promise you I'm a changed man. It was so wrong of me to judge people, most especially judge you and our relationship just because of your financial status. Please Kathleen, I'm committed to becoming the father and partner you and Lana both deserve. Please give me a chance to prove myself."

Kathleen sighed, "the thing is that, once trust is broken it can never be repaired... I just can't, I'm sorry".

Charles nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I understand," he said softly. "I'm prepared to wait though. I'll show you, through my actions, that I've truly changed."

With that, Charles reluctantly turned away. Saying that he was going to pick Lana up from school, since it was now the school's closing time.

Charles appeared on the school grounds. His eyes scanned around, searching for Lana's familiar face. There she was, a burst of energy amidst a sea of children, her laughter contagious. Charles felt a warmth swell within him as he approached.

"Lana!" he called out, his voice filled with unabashed joy. The little girl’s eyes lit up as she recognized her father. She raced towards him, her small frame colliding against him in an embrace filled with unabashed love.

"Daddy!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and surprise.

"Hey, sweetheart," Charles greeted Lana, his voice filled with warmth as he crouched down to her level. "How was your day at school?"

"It was good, Daddy!" Lana chirped, her voice brimming with excitement. "We learned about dinosaurs, and my teacher said I did a great job drawing them!".

Charles couldn't help but smile at his daughter's enthusiasm. It was moments like these when he regretted the choices that had cost him precious time with his daughter and the love of his life, Kathleen. He knew he had hurt her both deeply, but now he was determined to make amends.

"Listen, Lana," Charles said gently, standing up and brushing off her little dress. "How about we spend the day together? Just you and me?"

Lana's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and excitement dancing across her face. "Really, Daddy? Just us?"

"Yes, sweetheart," Charles replied. "I want this day to be special for you. How about we go to my office? You can see where Daddy works."

Lana's excitement tripled at the mere mention of Charles' office. Holding her hand tightly, Charles walked towards the sleek black car parked nearby.

When they arrived at Charles's skyscraper office building, Lana's eyes grew wider with awe. The grandeur and luxury of the place were breathtaking, even for a child. As they entered the lobby, the office workers stopped dead in their tracks, their jaws dropping at the sight of their usually reserved and serious boss being accompanied by a little girl.

Whispers filled the air as the employees began speculating on the identity of the child and who her mother could possibly be. Some were genuinely surprised, while others couldn't help but indulge in a bit of gossip. Charles could feel their curious gazes, but he paid no attention to them. His focus was solely on Lana.

Walking towards the elevators, Charles pressed the button and felt a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling within him. He wondered how Lana would react to seeing the luxurious world he inhabited.

As the elevator doors opened, Charles and Lana stepped inside. The ride up seemed to take an eternity, each passing floor making Charles more anxious. But as the doors finally opened to reveal his magnificent office space, Charles couldn't help but catch his breath at Lana's expression of wonder.

"Daddy, this is amazing!" Lana exclaimed, spinning in circles to take in every inch of the room. "You have such a big desk! And look at all the shiny things!".

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now