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Victoria Hudson sat alone in her dimly lit apartment, an expression of disdain etched upon her face. Revenge was all she could think about these days. She clenched her fists, her heart pounding with a mix of anger and determination. Charles Walker had ruined her life, and now it was time for him to pay the price.

She knew deep down she brought this upon herself cause her  accusations against Charles had been false, because he simply rejected her. But the impact of those accusations had been devastating. Her once-thriving career in the entertainment industry lay in ruins, and her name was now synonymous with scandal and untrustworthiness.

Vicky's mind wandered to Charles's daughter, little Lana. She was innocent, unaware of her father's alleged sins. Yet, in Vicky's twisted mind, Lana became a pawn in her sinister game. If Charles had taken away everything from her, Vicky would take away the one thing he cherished most - his precious daughter.

With a deranged glint in her eyes, Vicky began plotting her revenge. She couldn't carry out this plan alone, though. She needed assistance from someone who shared her darkness, someone who reveled in chaos and pain. She made a call and arranged to meet a group of dangerous men who carried out her bidding without question.

Meanwhile, at ***** Elementary School, Lana Walker sat in her classroom, her small frame framed by the sun's gentle rays filtering through the window. She was oblivious to the storm brewing outside, to the sinister plot taking form. In her world of innocence and wonder, she laughed alongside her classmates, completely unaware of the dangers lurking in the shadows.

Vicky's hired men arrived outside the school, their dark demeanor instantly noticeable. They skillfully maneuvered their way past the security measures, their intent and purpose clear. They blended seamlessly into the hustle and bustle of parents and children at dismissal time. Each of them wore a cold, emotionless facade, determined to complete the task Vicky had set before them.

Inside the classroom, Lana's teacher, called for the students to gather their belongings and prepare for dismissal. Lana packed her backpack, humming a tune her mommy usually sang to her. She didn't know that her life was about to change dramatically.

As the final bell rang, parents filled the halls, excited to see their children and embrace them with loving arms. Among the crowd, Vicky's hired men lay in wait, ready to strike. With precise timing, they slipped into the hallway, blending in seamlessly with the sea of parents.

Lana emerged from her classroom, her eyes bright with excitement. She scanned the crowd, searching for either of her parent's familiar face. But instead, she found herself face to face with a man she had never seen before. His cold eyes sent a shiver down her spine, and she instinctively took a step back.

Before Lana could understand what was happening, the man swiftly reached out, grabbing her arm tightly. Panic flooded her small body as she screamed for help. But the commotion of dismissal masked her cries, drowning out her voice. She thrashed and kicked, but the man's grip remained firm, his purpose unwavering.

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