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Vicky's heart raced as she sat in her bedroom, surrounded by her trusted friends, Claudia and Janet. The plan they had concocted was risky, but Vicky felt a sense of grim satisfaction. Charles had rejected her, humiliating her in front of everyone present at the lounge last night. But now, he would pay for that. They would make him regret ever treating her like that.

With determination gleaming in her eyes, Vicky explained the scheme to her friends. "We have to make it look like Charles sexually assaulted me," she said, her voice quivering with a mix of apprehension and anticipation. "We need to fake evidence that will be able to take him to court and make him pay a substantial amount of money."

Claudia raised an eyebrow, concern etched across her face. "Are you sure about this, Vicky? Charles is so powerful that he could ruin our lives."

Vicky scoffed, her anger bubbling to the surface. "Well he ruined my life when he rejected my advances so he deserves this".

Janet chimed in cautiously, her eyes darting between Vicky and Claudia. "But Vicky, are you sure this is the right way to handle things? There's a chance this could go terribly wrong."

A flicker of doubt flashed across Vicky's face, but she quickly brushed it off. "He also needs to feel the humiliation I felt last night. He deserves it."

So vicky and her friends launched into their plan with meticulous precision. They began gathering evidence, carefully documenting her interaction with Charles that night at the lounge and manipulating evidence to make it appear as though he was behaving inappropriately with her.

The news quickly spread and everyone was busy pointing accusatory fingers at Charles and questioning his integrity. Kathleen also saw the news and was disappointed in him, she didn't want him dragging Lana into any of his issues.

Charles calls her to let her know that he was innocent and begs her to please trust in him and that he's going to get everything fixed soon but she pays no mind to what he just said and instead tells him to stay away from Lana till he manages to fix his issues.

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