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Kathleen's heart raced as Charles and his men huddled together, discussing their plan to rescue Lana. She pleaded with Charles to let her come along, convinced that she could be of assistance, but he firmly rejected her request. Determined not to be left behind, Kathleen formulated her own plan.

As Charles and his men piled into their vehicles, Kathleen quietly slipped out of the mansion, careful not to attract any attention. Kathleen managed to blend in with the workers, who were preparing the cars for the journey. They were so preoccupied with their tasks that they didn't realize she had slipped into the car booth of Charles's car. Hidden in the shadows, she felt a mixture of fear and excitement as she waited for what was about to come.

As the convoy set off into the night, Kathleen held her breath, praying that her presence would go unnoticed. She didn't know what lay ahead, but she was willing to risk everything to see Lana freed from Vicky's clutches.

She listened intently as Charles and his men discussed their plans. Lana was being held captive by a group of men who were known for their ruthlessness under Vicky's command.

Kathleen's determination grew stronger with each passing minute.

The convoy reached its destination, and Charles and his men stepped out of the vehicles, prepared for the dangerous task ahead. Kathleen, still hidden in the car booth, listened as they finalized their strategy. They planned to create a diversion at the front entrance while a small team infiltrated the warehouse from the back.

As the men scattered to their positions, Kathleen took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to do. She knew time was of the essence, and she couldn't afford to wait any longer. With a burst of courage, she climbed out of the car booth and joined the men making their way towards the warehouse.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She was determined not to be a bystander any longer, she had to do anything to save Lana.

As they approached the imposing warehouse, Kathleen's heart skipped a beat. She knew the danger that lay ahead, but she refused to let fear hold her back. The sound of her footsteps mingled with the determination that burned within her.

With a signal from their leader, Charles' men burst into action, creating chaos at the front entrance. The guards, caught off guard, focused their attention on the commotion outside, allowing Kathleen to slip unnoticed into the shadows.

She made her way stealthily towards the back entrance, grateful for the cover of darkness. The air was thick with tension, each moment feeling like an eternity. She knew her actions could have dire consequences, but she was prepared it.

As she reached the back entrance, Kathleen paused, peering through a crack in the door. She saw Lana, terrified and alone, trapped in a small room.

With a deep breath, she steeled herself and pushed open the door. Lana's eyes widened in astonishment as she recognized Kathleen standing there, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Without hesitation, Kathleen rushed towards her, embracing her tightly.

"We're getting out of here," Kathleen whispered fiercely, her voice filled with determination. "Mommy's here, i won't let anyone hurt you."

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