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The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow on Lana's face as she sat at the kitchen table, swinging her short legs back and forth. The events of the previous day weighed heavily on Kathleen's mind as she tried to gather her thoughts and prepare for the day ahead.

"Lana, sweetie, it's time to brush your teeth", she said, her voice laced with exhaustion.

Lana hopped off her chair and slowly made her way to the bathroom, but it seemed that her little mind was preoccupied with something else entirely. As she stood ones stool, looking up at Kathleen she mustered up to ask the question that had been bothering her.

"Mommy, why doesn't daddy live with us?" Lana voice trembled with innocence, her eyes wide and questioning.

Kathleen froze, her heart sinking in her chester. Didn't Lana already ask her this question last night, why was she bringing it up again?. She was faced with the unrelenting truth, Lana knew she was lying.

Before Kathleen could gather her words, the anger, fear and desperation bubbled within her. She uttered the harshest words she had ever spoken to her little girl.

"Lana, stop talking about your daddy! I don't want to hear another word about this matter!, Understood?!".

Lana's face crumbled, tears streaming down her soft cheeks, and the weight of her mother's words crushed her spirit. It was a moment that would stay with Kathleen, haunting her every dream.

Regret immediately flooded Kathleen's heart as she saw the innocence drain from her daughter's eyes. But the damage was done, and no amount of apologies could undo the harshness of her words. She's slowly pushing Lana away from her.

Guilt gnawed at Kathleen's soul as she knelt down to Lana's level, her voice trembling with remorse. "Lana, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you like that. It's just... daddy's... daddy's working abroad. He'll be back soon, i promise".

Lana looked up at Kathleen, her tear streaked face showing confusion. She knew her mommy was lying but she didn't understand why. Didn't she want daddy to come back home? The anger in her voice only confirmed her suspicions.

With a heavy heart, Kathleen finished getting Lana ready, she packed Lana's favorite lunch, kissed her forehead, and drove her to school, her mind still racing with thoughts of desperation.

As Kathleen drove, she noticed that Lana remained quiet, lost in her own thought. Arriving at school, Kathleen watched as Lana got down from the car without even saying goodbye to her and entered the school gates to join her classmates. She masked her inner turn oil with a forced smile, and turned to head to her bakery.

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