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Lana clung to Charles's arm as he showed her around his office. Her daddy promised to give her a glimpse of his world and she couldn't be happier.

As they strolled through the entire office building, Lana's eyes widened in awe. The place radiated success and power, with sharp suits and determined faces hurrying about. Charles, ever the charismatic businessman, effortlessly navigated through the busy halls, nodding and exchanging pleasantries with his workers.

Despite being only four years old, Lana felt a deep sense of pride as she observed her father in his element.

During their time at the office, Charles introduced Lana officially to David, who was delighted to meet his precious god-daughter. He showered her with compliments and small trinkets, making her feel like a mini-celebrity. All the while, Charles watched with a warm smile, his heart swelling with paternal pride.

As the day drew to a close, Charles reluctantly announced that it was time to return Lana back to Kathleen. A pang of sadness surged through Lana's heart, she wanted to spend more time with her daddy and also stay with her mommy.

At Kathleen's doorstep, the mood grew tense. The awkwardness from their argument earlier in the day hung in the air, casting a shadow over their reunification. Charles greeted Kathleen with a polite nod, keeping a distance to avoid any further confrontation especially in front of Lana.

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Unbeknownst to them, lurking in the shadows of a small runned down apartment, Vicky concocted a sinister plan. Vicky, a former model and actress, had been consumed by rage and hatred towards Charles. Her life spiraled out of control after their altercation, which had led to her being blacklisted from the entertainment industry.

Burdened by a relentless desire for revenge, Vicky had hired a private investigator to track Charles's movements, searching for an opportunity to wreak havoc on his life. When the investigator informed her about Lana's existence, a devilish plan took shape in Vicky's mind.

She had longed for revenge, but now the stakes were higher. Vicky realized that by targeting Lana, she could effortlessly strike at Charles's most vulnerable spot. To inflict pain on him, like he had inflicted on her, would be an unparalleled victory.

With a cold smile, Vicky set her menacing plan into motion. Victoria Hudson was ready to unleash choas and heartache upon Charles Walker's life.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now