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David could feel the weight of the world crashing down on him as he listened to the frantic voice on the other end of the line. His chest tightened with anxiety, the all-too-familiar surge of panic threatening to overwhelm him. He shot a quick glance at Kathleen, who was engrossed in looking at the red light over the operating room and thankfully didn't ask any more questions after the little white lie he told her a few moments ago.

He hung up the phone and stepped outside, the brisk evening air providing a sense of relief. Gripping his phone tightly, he dialed the person who he was talking to while inside the hospital number again. Immediately the call connected, without waiting for the person on the other end to respond, David ordered, "Get the news taken down now. I don't care what it takes. Threaten them with legal action if you have to. Just make it disappear. The bosses daughter especially must not get wind of this."

David was so confused, wondering who spread the involvement of Charles in a plane crash to the media like wildfire. He needs to make sure this news is buried before it reaches Kathleen's ears. He won't let her and Lana go through unnecessary pain.

He decided to call Charles's lawyer's number, frustration and fear coiling in his chest like a nest of vipers. If the rumors were to be believed, his dear friend was already being mourned as deceased by some news outlets, the thought of the false gu-wrenching news made his blood boil.

As he paced back and forth, one hand running through his hair in agitation, the other clenched around the phone, the lawyer's calm voice finally crackled through the line. "David, what's going on? I just heard about the news. It's all ove the place. What happened to Mr Walker?".

David took a deep breath, trying to steady himself before speaking. "Charles is fine Daniel, it's all just false news. I need you to take immediate legal action. Get those headlines retracted, issue a statement, and threaten to sue if necessary. I already have someone working on it but with you being one of the best lawyer's in America, we'll be able to get the news down much faster".

Daniel's voice was solemn as he replied, "I understand, David. I'll get on it right away. But you need to be prepared. This is going to be a battle. The media doesn't back down easily. And once something like this is out there, it's hard to erase."

David gritted his teeth, frustration and desperation intertwining within him. "I don't care. Just do whatever it takes. I'll handle the fallout later once Charles gets out of this alive and healthy. Right now, we just need to get the news down immediately.

The phone call ended, and David stood on the cold pavement, the weight of the situation pressing down on him like an anvil. His mind raced with the potential ramifications of this false information.

He had to act fast, for Charles's and his family's sake.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now