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Kathleen's laughter echoed through Charles' ears, rattling his resolve. He had hoped, perhaps foolishly, that what matthew said was true. But her laughter shattered his illusions, leaving him standing alone in front of her bakery, feeling a cold wind slice through his heart.

"You love me, Mr. Walker?" Kathleen's laughter intensified, ringing with a bitter tone of disbelief. "Well, too bad, because I don't feel the same way. I DON'T LOVE YOU." Her words struck Charles like a thousand daggers, each one tearing at his soul.

Staggering back, Charles felt the ground shake beneath him as his world crumbled. Confusion warred within him; he couldn't comprehend what was going on. Just moments ago, he had been convinced that Kathleen's heart belonged to him.

Breathing heavily, Charles struggled to find his voice. "But Matthew... he said that you refused his proposal because you still loved me." Desperation and hope clung to his words, pleading for validation. He yearned for confirmation that their love was not a lost relic but a flicker waiting to be reignited.

Shock flashed across Kathleen's face as Charles said that.  The last encounter between she and Matthew two days ago had been laid bare.

Before Charles could fully absorb the weight of what he had just said, Kathleen swiftly cut him off, her voice laced with bitterness and defiance. "I don't love you. You should forget about us ever getting back together." The finality in her words struck Charles like a physical blow, leaving him breathless and devastated.

For a fleeting moment, they stood locked in an agonizing silence, the air crackled with unspoken words and shattered dreams, the residue of their failed love clinging to the space between them.

With an icy resolve, Kathleen turned on her heels, leaving Charles standing alone, unable to fathom the sudden unraveling of their story. Her departing footsteps echoed in the vast emptiness of his heart, a hollow ache that seemed to penetrate his very being.

He stood there, encapsulated by the cold and unwavering truth that love might mend, but it also has the power to destroy. The memories of their shared laughter, whispered promises, and stolen kisses fueled a whirlwind of emotions within him, but now they seemed like fragments of a forgotten dream.

The bustling street around him faded into a distant blur as Charles felt the weight of his own vulnerability settle upon his shoulders. The realization crashed over him like an unforgiving wave - Kathleen didn't love him anymore.

With a broken heart and soul, Charles turned away from the bakery, telling his driver to take him back to the mansion.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now