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Kathleen could feel her heart pounding against her chest as the words rang in her ears. Th thoughof her daughter, Lana, being cruelly snatched away from the safety of her school sent waves of shock and anguish crashing through her. She collapsed onto the nearest chair, her tears flowing uncontrollably as the weight of the situation bore down heavily upon her.

Charles, fueled by a potent mixture of rage and desperation, vowed to bring swift justice upon those who dared to threaten their innocent child's life. He stormed towards the school authorities, his voice echoing with a cold fury that could send shivers down anyone's spine.

"How could you let this happen?!" Charles' voice reverberated through the hallways, his eyes ablaze with a piercing intensity. Each word dripped with a mixture of anger and disappointment. It was a thunderous reprisal against the negligence they had exhibited, failing to protect the very children they were entrusted with.

The school staff recoiled, their faces pale with guilt and fear. They slinked away, unable to meet his ferocious gaze. The gravity of their failure weighed heavily upon their shoulders.

Frantically, Charles reached for his phone, dialing his trusted employee, someone he knew he could rely on in times of crisis. The sharp ring of the phone echoed in the tense atmosphere, and relief washed over him as a voice answered on the other end.

"David please get the surveillance footage an send it to me immediately," he instructed, his voice sharpened like a blade. David acknowledged the order, knowing full well the urgency of the situation.

Minutes felt like an eternity as Charles and Kathleen impatiently waited for the video to arrive. Finally, a ding on Charles' phone signaled its arrival. He rushed to open the email, Kathleen by his side, bracing herself for the painful truth they were about to witness.

The video played, and their worst fears unfolded before their eyes. They watched, helpless and anguished, as Lana was taken away by unknown assailants. Each second felt like a pounding hammer on their hearts, shattering their sense of security.

Kathleen's cries grew louder, her hands clutching her chest as if trying to stifle the pain. Tears streamed uncontrollably down her face, her motherly instincts raging against the injustice they were facing. Charles, on the other hand, felt a tempest of emotions surging within him. Determination ignited within his eyes, replacing the initial fury. He would stop at nothing to reclaim his daughter and bring those responsible to justice.

Within minutes, Charles assembled his team, ensuring that every available resource was mobilized to track down the kidnappers. There was no room for mistakes, no room for failure. They scoured through surveillance footage, investigating leads, and reaching out to their wide network of contacts. Time was of the essence, and they knew they had to act swiftly.

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