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After dinner Lana asked Charles if he could help her get ready for bed and then together they both went to her room while Kathleen decided to go wash the dishes.

Charles gently tucked Lana into bed, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead before ensuring she was sound asleep
He made his way to the kitchen, where Kathleen was busy washing the dishes. As she dried her hands with a towel, she looked up to find charles standing before her. There was a look of gratitude and remorse in his eyes as he began to speak.

"Kathleen", he began, "I'm sorry for meeting Lana behind your back, i just couldn't help myself, i wanted to see how she looked like I'm so sorry" his voice filled with sincerity. "And also i can't thank you enough for bringing Lana into this world and raising her to be the wonderful little girl that she is today. I know i wasn't there for either of you and i regret that deeply".

"It hasn't been easy", she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But Lana is worth it. She's been the light of my life, and i won't change a thing about her. She's a remarkable child, and I'm proud to be her mother".

Charles nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of his absence and his longing to be a part of Lana's life.

"I want to be there for her, Kathleen. I want to make up for the lost time. I want to be a dad to her, in every sense of the word."

As Charles spoke, Kathleen could see the genuine remorse etched on his face.

"So what do you suggest, Charles?" Kathleen asked, her voice gentle yet firm. "How are we supposed to move forward, especially since we can't be together?"

"I don't know," Charles admitted, a sense of defeat in his eyes. "But i won't give up on us, on the possibility of a complete family. I won't give up on you, on Lana."

"Co-parenting, then," she suggested. "We can do this for Lana's sake, ensure that she has the love and support of both her parents."

"But what about us?" Charles asked, his voice filled with a sense of longing and regret.

Kathleen shook her head, her eyes meeting his with a resolute gaze. "Charles, you know it's not possible. We had our chance, and it's long gone. I can't go back to the place, I'll never be able to trust and want to be with you again. We need to only focus on what's best for Lana."

Despite her words, Charles couldn't help the ache in his heart as he realized that the future he had envisioned, one where he would be with Kathleen and Lana as a family, was slipping further away and he can't allow that to happen.

"I'll never give up on us Kathleen, i want you, infact i need you," he said quietly, his voice heavy with emotion. With a heavy heart, he turned to leave, his footsteps echoing through the house as he made his way towards the door.

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