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Vicky, a renowned class model and actress, had always been used to getting what she wanted. It seemed that all doors opened for her effortlessly, and she basked in the admiration of her fans and validation of her talent. But there was one person she truly desired, she believed she could have a chance with. "Charles Walker".

And on hearing that he was at the same lounge as her, she decided to head over to where he was despite the warnings of her friends who knew that Charles had shown no interest in any advances made towards him before. But Vicky couldn't resist the allure of the challenge. She convinced herself that her charm and beauty were enough to win his attention and affection. Determined to prove them all wrong, she decided to head over to the reserved lounge area where Charles and his friend David were right now.

As she made her way through the crowd, Vicky could feel the weight of curious eyes on her, whispering and speculating about her intentions when they saw where she was heading to. Clad in a stunning ensemble that hugged her curves, she commanded attention with each elegant stride she took. Confidence radiated off her like an ethereal glow, showcasing her belief in her own allure. Today, she would make Charles notice her.

Reaching the lounge area, Vicky hesitated only for a moment, gathering her courage before stepping inside. She discreetly scanned the room for Charles, spotting him at the back, sitting with David, Vicky felt a flutter of excitement in her chest.

Approaching the both of them, she hoped to catch Charles's attention. But instead she was met with his icy stare.

"Who are you? And who invited you here?" Charles voice rang out, cold and condescending.

Vicky's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but she refused to let it deter her. "I heard you were here and i just wanted to say hi", she replied, her voice wavering slightly.

Charles scoffed. "Say hi? Like i said, who are you? Please leave".

The cold dismissal hit her like a slap to the face. The room seemed to swirl around her mocking her foolishness. Vicky has never been treated in such disdain, and it wounded her pride deeply. The whispers and snickers of u lookers echoed in her ears, amplifying the humiliation she felt.

Swiftly, Charles turned his back to her, effectively dismissing her from his presence. She felt as though a door had been slammed shut, leaving her standing on the wrong side. Her friends had tried to warn her, but she didn't listen. And now, she vowed to make Charles Walker pay for what he did to her today.

Turning on her heel Vicky marched out of the lounge, holding her head high despite the tremor in her heart. She was determined to devise a plan that would leave Charles regretting the day he had dared to humiliate her.

"Charles Walker You Better Be Prepared For Victoria Hudson" she spat.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now