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The sterile hospital room brimmed with anticipation as Charles finally stirred, his eyelids fluttering open after a long and arduous nine-month battle against a coma. Kathleen's heart swelled with joy, eager to see him reunited with consciousness, to witness his eyes meet hers once again.

But as Charles blinked, confusion clouded his gaze. A flicker of bewilderment passed over his face, causing the hope within Kathleen's chest to waver. She tightly gripped his hand, a lifeline she had clung to throughout his comatose state. It was the only thing that had kept her going – the belief that their love would be strong enough to guide him back.

The joyous atmosphere which was present a few moments ago, filled with promises, was shattered by the bewildered expression on Charles's face. His eyes darted around the room, searching for familiarity, searching for answers.

Kathleen's heart sank as she witnessed the confusion etched on Charles's face. She had hoped against hope that he would remember everything. Their love, their past together, and most importantly, their daughter Lana. But as he tightened his grip on her hand, the spark of recognition was missing from your eyes. Charles turned his gaze towards Kathleen, his voice trembling as he asked the question that pierced her soul. "Who...who are you?".

Those three simple words struck Kathleen like a bolt lightening. She could feel her worst fears manifesting, the dread and anxiety nagging at her heart. The doctors had warned her about the possibility of amnesia, a cruel twist of fate caused by the head trauma he had endured during the plane crash. But she had clung to hope, convinced that Charles's love for her and their daughter transcended mere memories. Yet now, in the face of reality, her prayers were left unanswered.

Time seemed to freeze as Kathleen's mind spun, striving to comprehend this anguishing reality. She became painfully aware of the depth of their situation, their connection now fractured. Every moment they had spent together, every laughter shared, every tear shed – all now distant echoes in Charles's troubled mind.

A dark void enveloped her heart as she fought back tears, finding herself grappling with an indescribable anguish. How could she possibly bear witnessing the man she loved so dearly look upon her as a stranger? Would he ever remember their past, the sweet moments when he took care of their daughter Lana?

Kathleen's eyes darted towards the door, longing for an escape from this reality, if only for a moment. She yearned for the solitude of darkness where her tears could fall freely, where the pain that clawed at her heart could consume her without witnessing Charles's confusion. She battled to maintain composure, her fingers trembling as she held on to the remnants of hope that clung precariously to its final threads.

Gathering every ounce of strength within her, Kathleen pushed back the tears threatening to spill. She knew that she couldn't give up, not when Charles needed her more than ever. Their love had endured countless trials, and she was determined to navigate this new torment as well.

With a steady voice that belied the storm raging within her, she whispered, "I'm Kathleen", she uttered, her voice trembling with emotion. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill onto her cheeks, but she fought to keep them at bay. She swallowed the lump in her throat, mustering the strength to continue. "We also have a daughter, her name is Lana. She's... she's our world".

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now