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Kathleen stared at the phone in her hand, her heart pounding with indecision. After years of keeping Lana's existence away from Charles, she finally agreed to let him meet her. It was a tough choice to make, but she knew Lana deserved to know her father, despite the painful memories it brought back for her. Taking a deep breath she pressed the dial button, her finger trembling slightly.

"Hello?" Charles's voice answered on the other end.

"Hi, Charles. It's Kathleen", she replied, her voice steady but her nerves jangling.

Kathleen?" Charles quickly sat up, she could hear the surprise in his tone.

"Listen, I've thought about it, and i think it's time for Lana to meet her father". Kathleen voice wavered partly from apprehension and partly from the weight of her decision.

There was a pause on the line before Charles responded, "Kathleen, thank you. Thank you for giving me the chance to make things right. So when can i come over?".

Kathleen blinked back her tears, surprised by the mixture of emotions swelling up inside her. "Tonight. We can have dinner at my place. Will that work for you?".

Charles agreed, and they exchanged a few more details before hanging up. Kathleen looked around her bakery, feeling anxious as she realized what she had just done. She quickly hurried to get her job done, and closed the bakery. Her mind racing with thoughts of preparing dinner and mentally preparing Lana for the revelation about her father.

Arriving home earlier than usual, Kathleen jumped into action, her movement quick and efficient. She cleaned the house, set the table, and began preparing a meal that she hoped will ease the tension of the evening. As she worked, she couldn't help but wonder how Lana would react to the news. Would she be happy? Confused? Angry?, Kathleen could only hope that she made the right decision, trusting that Lana would understand her.

Just as she was about to call for Lana, the front door bell rang signaling that Charles was already here. A feeling of nervousness etched onto her face as she went to open the door for him.

"Hi Charles, welcome", she greeted, her tone as warm as she could manage, though her inner turn oil remained.

But to her shock when Lana emerged from her room and saw Charles, she ran to him calling him daddy.

Kathleen froze, "wha-what do you mean, Lana? How do you know? Lana giggled and ran towards Kathleen, wrapping her small hands around her tightly.

"Daddy came to my school yesterday! We even had ice cream together, and he told me everything! He's not working abroad like you told me before!".

Kathleen's heart sank, a wave of hurt and anger crashing over her. She had planned to tell Lana without making it seem like she lied to her, but Charles had ruined everything without any regards for her feelings AGAIN.

Suppressing her emotions as best as she could, Kathleen focused on Lana, putting on a brave face. "Well, sweetheart, it was supposed to be a surprise, we'll talk more about it later. Let's go to the dinning table and have dinner".

Beside her, Charles looked guilty, but Kathleen couldn't bring herself to acknowledge his guilt.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now