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Immediately Kathleen opened the door,  Lana ran straight to her room with her mother's phone. As tears cascaded down her rosy cheeks as she clutched her mother's phone tightly in her small hand. Confusion and disappointment mingled in her innocent eyes as she spoke to her father through trembling sobs.

"Daddy", she wailed, "didn't you say we would all live together forever? But now mommy brought me back home. I want to stay with the both of you!".

Kathleen's heart ached as she observed Lana's tearful plea for her father. The little girl clutched her phone tightly, her small face contorted with sadness. Without hesitation, Kathleen approached Lana and gently reached for the device, whispering soothing words in her ear.

"Sweetie, let me talk to your daddy for a moment. I'll make everything better, i promise" Kathleen said, her voice filled with tenderness and understanding.

Lana, still sniffing, reluctantly handed over the phone. It was difficult for the young girl to comprehend the complexities of her parents' separation, and all she wanted was to be with both her mother and father.

Kathleen pressed the phone to her ear, Kathleen could hear Charles' concerned voice on the other end, "Lana, baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?".

Kathleen took a deep breath, her mind racing with the words she needed to say. She maintained her composure, trying to be the calm presence Lana needed. "Charles, it's Kathleen. Lana is just having a tough time adjusting. She misses you, and she's feeling confused about the changes happening."

There was a momentary silence, the phone crackling softly before Charles responded with a heavy sigh, "Kathleen, can't we just try for Lana's sake at least. I promised her we'd be a family."

Kathleen's heart ached as she tried to find the right words. "I know you promised her Charles, and I understand. But sometimes things don't go as planned. Lana needs time to adjust to everything that's happening."

There was a hint of desperation in Charles' voice as he pleaded, "Can't I come over? Maybe if I talk to her, she'll feel better."

Kathleen hesitated, struggling with her own emotions. She knew bringing Charles to the house would only confuse Lana further. "I'm sorry, Charles, but I think it's best if we let her settle down for now. I'll do my best to comfort her and help her understand."

Charles sighed on the other side of the line, defeated and disappointed. "Alright, I trust you, Kathleen. Just let Lana know that I love her and I'll always be there for her."

"I promise, Charles, I'll make sure Lana understands".

With a heavy heart, Kathleen abruptly ended the call, leaving Charles to grapple with his emotions. She turned her attention back to Lana, who sat on the bed with tear-streaked cheeks and sniffles.

"Lana," Kathleen said softly, kneeling down to be on her eye level, "your daddy and i both love you so much okay".

Lana's eyes searched Kathleen's face, hoping to find comfort and reassurance. "But I want him here. I want us all to be together."

Kathleen's heart ached, knowing it was impossible to grant Lana's wish. She took Lana's small hands in hers and spoke gently, "I know, sweetheart, it's difficult right now. But things will get better, I promise. Your mommy and daddy love you, even if they can't be together."

Lana's bottom lip quivered as she tried to process Kathleen's words. Her small voice trembled, "But it's not fair."

Kathleen fought back tears herself, understanding Lana's frustration. "Life isn't always fair, sweetie. But we will find a way to make it okay.

Lana's watery eyes met Kathleen's, searching for a glimmer of hope. Kathleen smiled reassuringly, pulling the young girl into a tender embrace. "We'll get through this together, Lana. You're not alone."

As the child's sobs began to subside, Kathleen gently wiped away her tears, comforting her with whispers of love and support.

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