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Kathleen's heart pounded as she stood in front of Charles, her face flushed with anger and sadness. The air around them cackled with tension as memories of their shattered past flooded her mind. So he wanted to be with her now?, Wasn't he the same person who was embarrassed to be seen with her a few years ago?.

"Kathleen, please", Charles pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "I know i made terrible mistakes, but i want to be a part of Lana's life, and i also want the both of us to try again. For her. Kathleen she deserves a perfect and complete family.

Tears streamed down Kathleen's face, her voice breaking as she spoke, "you think it's easy Charles? To just sweep everything under the rug and pretend like the past never happened? How do i know if you won't just pack up and leave again one day huh?"

Charles grabbed her hands, his eyes filled with remorse. "I can't undo what I've done, but i promise you that I've changed now. I've been thinking about you all of these years, regretting the decision i made, and i didn't even know that you had given birth to my child... I'm so sorry Kathleen. I want to be there for her, to make up for the lost time. And i also want to be there for you too, Kathleen. Please give me a chance".

Anger and confusion battled within Kathleen. She thought about all the nights she spent alone, struggling to raise Lana on her own. The sleepless nights filled with worry and resentment towards Charles for letting her go through all of this alone.

Taking a deep breath, Kathleen composed herself, her voice filled with defiance and vulnerability. "Fine, Charles. You want to be a part of Lana's life? Fine, she deserves to know who her father is. But this doesn't change anything between us, I won't let you back into my life".

Charles nodded, accepting her terms for now. He knew it would take time to rebuild what was shattered. "Thank you, Kathleen. I won't push for anything else. I just want to be there for our daughter, nothing more". He would win Kathleen back little by little, everything good thing takes time, with that he left Kathleen's bakery.

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