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The thing was, his parents hadn't forgiven him for breaking up with Kathleen all those years ago. He still vividly remembered the disappointment etched across their faces as they learned of their son's decision. His father saw it as a betrayal of the family values, a sign that Charles was not capable of making responsible decisions.

How could he possibly break the news to his parents? How could he tell them he had already found Kathleen again and that he even had a daughter with her, and even trying to currently trying to win her back. No, he would let them know when everything was settled. But for now, it was not the best time.

Unbeknownst to Charles, his parents found his behavior odd and decided that they had to pay him a visit to know what was really going on.

So that evening, as Charles, Kathleen, and Lana were enjoying their dinner, the peaceful ambiance of the room was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Startled, the newly hired maid Rose left the kitchen and hurriedly made her way to the front door.

As she opened it, she found herself face to face with two elderly individuals. The introduced themselves as Mr and Mrs Walker, saying they were Charles's parents. With a sense of urgency, the maid ushered them inside, leading them towards the dinning room where the family of three were gathered.

The moment Charles's mother Elena saw Kathleen, her face paled and tears welled up in her eyes, un-containable emotions coursing through her veins. James, Charles's father, swiftly moved to her side, wrapping his arms around her in an attempt to offer comfort and support. The sudden commotion caused everyone in the room to turn their attention, the moment their gazes met, an indescribable mix of shock, disbelief and emotion rippled through the air. The sight of Kathleen sitting there, next to her a little girl, who looked like a mini version of their son Charles shocked the elderly couple.

Charles, sensing the gravity of the situation, rose from his seat, his heart pounding in his chest and rushed over to his parents. He gently ushered them to their seats, trying to alleviate their stunned state. But Elena, her voice trembling, called out to Kathleen.

"Kathleen, is that really you?" She asked

"It's... it's so good to see you again", Kathleen stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Elena reached out, her trembling hand tentatively reaching to touch Kathleen's face. Tears streamed down her cheeks."Kathleen," Elena choked out, her voice breaking, "we... we were so disappointed when you two broke up. We didn't understand why, and it tore us apart."

The weight of Elena's words hung heavily in the room. Charles looked on, feeling an ache in his chest.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now