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As David approached the hospital room, a sense of relief washed over him. He had just delivered the incredible news to Charles' parents that their son had awakened from his coma and was now on his way to recovery. But as he turned the corner and laid eyes on Kathleen, his heart sank.

She sat on the floor outside the ICU, her normally vibrant eyes red and puffy from crying. The breakfast he had brought for them, now forgotten, slipped from his grasp and crashed to the ground. Without hesitation, he rushed towards her, his mind racing with concern.

"Kathleen, what happened? Why are you crying?" David exclaimed, his voice laced with worry. As he reached her side, Kathleen collapsed into his arms, her sobs racking through her body. He held her tightly, feeling her anguish radiate through his embrace.

Between her choked sobs, Kathleen managed to speak, her voice breaking with heartache. "David, Charles... Charles doesn't remember me, or our baby Lana," she whispered, her words trembling with disbelief and sorrow. "The doctors were right. He has amnesia."

David held Kathleen tightly, he struggled to find the words to comfort her. It felt as though the world had tilted on it's axis, why had their happiness being swallowed by the abyss of amnesia? David's heart dropped further. He struggled to comprehend the magnitude of this realization. Charles, his best friend since childhood and the love of Kathleen's life, now had no recollection of their shared past, their precious moments together, or the beautiful daughter they both created.

Time seemed to move in increments, both sluggish and rapid. Kathleens's sobs echoed in David's ears as they finally broke their embrace, taking solace in each other's presence. He gently wiped the tears from her face, unable to hide the anguish mirrored in his own eyes.

Gently, David guided Kathleen to a nearby bench, offering her a comforting presence. His mind was racing, trying to find a way to console her, to fix this unimaginable pain. But deep down, he knew that he couldn't reverse the memory loss. In this moment, all he could do was be there for her, to listen, and to hold her for his best friend Charles.

As they sat in silence, David's mind wandered, trying to make sense of the situation. Memories of his and Charles's journey together flashed through his mind like a montage: moments of laughter, joy, and love intermixed with images of their shared struggles and triumphs. It was as if someone had shattered a carefully constructed mosaic, leaving behind fragments of what once was.

The reality of their shattered memories began to sink in, and David felt a hot wave of anger welling up inside him. He clenched his fists, feeling the raw emotion coursing through his veins. Anger toward fate, toward the unfairness of it all, and even anger towards Charles for forgetting the woman he loved and the child they cherished.

But as he looked at Kathleen's tear-streaked face, he knew that anger wouldn't serve them now. Instead, they needed each other more than ever, reliant to navigate through this unexpected and challenging terrain. Together, they would find strength, hope, for themselves, Lana, and especially Charles.

"What do we do now, David?" Kathleen whispered, her voice trembling with sorrow. "How do we make him remember?".

David's mind churned with whirlwind of thoughts, desperately searching for an answer.

"We'll find a way, Kathleen. We won't give up", David reassured her, though his own conviction wavered uncertainly.

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz