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Charles and Kathleen stood side by side, their hearts heavy with worry, as they entered the sterile hospital room. The soft beeping of machines filled the air, a rhythmic reminder of their daughter's fragile state. Lana, their precious child, lay still in the center of the room, her small frame overshadowed by the sterile white sheets that covered her.

Relief washed over them as they saw her peaceful face, illuminated by the soft glow of the overhead lights. Kathleen hurried to Lana's side, her breath catching in her throat as she took in her daughter's delicate features. The lines of worry etched on her face softened momentarily as she reached out to hold Lana's tiny hand in her own.

"Baby, please be fine for mommy, okay?" Kathleen's voice trembled with a mix of hope and fear. "You're the only one I have in this world, and I can't bear the thought of losing you."

Tears welled up in her eyes and spilled over, tracing a path down her cheeks. She whispered words of love and encouragement, willing Lana to find the strength to heal. Charles gently placed his hands on Kathleen's shoulders, offering her stability and support in the face of uncertainty.

"She'll be fine, Kathleen," Charles assured her, his voice filled with determination. "I promise you, our little Lana is a fighter. We just have to have faith and believe in her. And you're wrong she's not the only one you have in this world. You have me too okay, and i would give the world to make you and Lana happy i swear it to you".

The Billionaire's Regret { Regret Series #1}Where stories live. Discover now