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After Charles was escorted to the hospital by his loyal men, along with Kathleen and Lana, relief washed over them when the doctor informed them that his wound wasn't as severe as initially feared. The bullet had merely grazed his arm, leaving a shallow but painful gash. Despite the pain, Charles was grateful that he would be able to return home after receiving a bandage.

As the doctor finished tending to his wound, Kathleen and Lana hurried into the hospital room. Lana's eyes brimmed with tears as she rushed into her father's open arms, her tiny frame shaking with fear and relief. "Daddy, I was so scared when that evil woman shot you," Lana sobbed, her voice quivering with a mix of anxiety and gratitude.

Charles pulled Lana close, being mindful not to jostle his injured arm. With a comforting smile playing on his lips, he assured her, "Hey, princess, look at me. I'm fine, see?" He struck a playful superhero pose, flexing his uninjured arm and eliciting a giggle from his daughter.

While Charles savored the precious moment of laughter, he knew that he required a few moments alone with Kathleen to address the situation at hand. Charles requested one of his trusted men to take Lana and get her something to eat, ensuring that she would be spared witnessing any tense discussions. With a gentle goodbye, Lana reluctantly followed the guard out of the room, clutching his hand tightly.

Now alone with Kathleen, Charles turned his attention towards her, his eyes filled with a mix of apprehension. Charles took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation they were about to have.

"Kathleen," he began, his voice tinged with determination, "I need you to take responsibility for me now that I'm injured." His gaze bore into hers.

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