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Kathleen glanced at Charles as he answered the mysterious phone call, her curiosity piqued. She couldn't help but wonder who could be calling him at such a critical moment.

As Charles listened to Vicky's demands, a mix of anger and desperation swirled within him. He knew he had been wronged, but his love for his daughter outweighed everything else. He made a hard decision, one that he hoped would lead them to Lana safely.

"Alright, Vicky," Charles replied, his voice barely hiding his intense emotions. "I will do as you say. But remember, lay a finger on my daughter, and you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Vicky's hoarse laughter echoed through the phone, causing Charles to clench his fists. He couldn't believe the depth of her malevolence, how she could stoop so low as to involve innocent lives in her twisted revenge.

While Vicky thought she had secured a victorious fate, Charles had different plans. Before ending the call, he made sure to keep her on the line just long enough for his team to trace the call's location. Every second counted, as the fate of his daughter hung in a precarious balance.

Within minutes, Charles's team deciphered the location of Vicky's hideout. It was an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, a forgotten place with a sinister aura. Charles had to act swiftly and cautiously to rescue his beloved Lana from the clutches of this vengeful woman.

With the help of his team, Charles devised a well-coordinated plan to infiltrate the warehouse. They studied the surroundings, strategizing every move to ensure the safety of his daughter and the successful capture of Vicky.

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