locked in

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"You coming with me to see my grandmother? We'll hit up the White Castle later." Lip bribes me with my favorite burger place as I lay in his bed doing homework. "Fine." I hop off his top bunk bed quickly putting on one of his sweaters and my shoes. "We're finding your dad's brothers?" I ask as he opens the door for Ian and I, "Yeah but Ian here doesn't seem too interested." Lip says, "Why Ian? Maybe your dad will be nice and or not an alcoholic who semi gives a shit." I tease optimistically. "He's a Gallagher, I doubt it." He scoffs.

"You aren't even a little curious to find out who he could be?" I ask Ian as we walk to the bus stop to visit the prison "No." Ian says monotone, "No?" He could be any one of these guys." Lip says excitedly, "Look, he's gonna be a douche bag no matter who he is." Ian says as Lip lights a cigarette, "He can't be any worse than Frank." I say, "He's a Gallagher." Ian says, sitting down at the stop.


"Wait out here in the lobby, she'll be skeptical around new faces." Ian says to me as they walk into the visitation area. The creepy COs keep staring at me and winking, I need to get out of here. Finally they came out, I almost ran to them, "Thank God, those COs kept staring at me." I mutter as we leave the prison, "I'd fuck em up if it didn't give me time." Lip says and wraps his arm around my shoulder, "Did she tell you their names?" I ask, "Yeah, Wyatt, Jerry, and Clayton but Wyatt has no balls so it can't be him which leaves us with Jerry and Clayton." Lip explains as we go into White Castle.


"Where were you three all day?" Fiona asked, walking into the kitchen where we all sat helping decorate cupcakes with Carl. "We went to see Grammy like you suggested." Lip said, looking up from what he was doing. "Oh yeah? How is she?" Fiona asked with a slight laugh. "Still mean as a snake." Ian said as he got up and headed into the kitchen. Fiona looked over at Carl who was stuffing his face with frosting. "Carl, hey! We're decorating, not eating." Fiona said sternly, "Hey yo." Jimmy said, walking in. "Thank god. " Fiona said, sounding relieved and standing up to greet him, "What's up?" Jimmy asked. "Did you get my messages about Tony? I've been trying you for hours." Fiona said. "Oh work was crazy." Jimmy said, I rolled my eyes knowing he was lying.

The two of them walked into the kitchen, leaving the rest of us to decorate. A few seconds later Jimmy and Fi came back out "All right. What do we got going on here?" Jimmy asked. "Well if you're Carl then you're making scrotum cupcakes." Lip laughed. We all started laughing and Jimmy nodded as we all got to work on decorating the cupcakes.


"Steve give you the car?' Ian asks as we drive to Jerry's house, "Nah I bought it. I had 74,920 dollars lying around." Lip jokes, "Ah, money well spent." Ian says sarcastically as we get out of the parked car, "So why is it we've never met any of Frank's brothers?" Ian asks as we walk up the creaky stairs, "Uh, family reunions are for families." Lip quickly explains before knocking on the door, "Will guy number one be Ian Gallagher's ticket out?" Lip teases, "Shut up." Ian mutters as the door opens revealing Frank's identical twin, "Holy shit." We all mutter, "What do you want?" Jerry asks, annoyed, "Uh, hi, Um, I'm sorry, uh m-my name is Phillip and this is my brother Ian and girlfriend Sadie." Lip introduces, "Yeah so?" Jerry asks, "Well, my brother and I are Frank Gallagher's sons and we were wondering-" Lip gets cut off by Jerry slamming his door. "Off to a good start." Ian says, "Did you know dad was a twin?' Lip asks, "No." Ian says and goes to walk downstairs, "What're you doing?" Ian says as he sees Lip about to knock, "We should talk to him, we're already here." Lip explains, "He slammed the door in our faces." Ian defends his reason for leaving, "We probably scared him!" Lip exclaims "I don't want that dick being my father, alright?" Ian sighs, "We should find out more about him, we're here!" Lip says and knocks on the door, "I have a shotgun and I'm not afraid to use it." Jerry says through the door. "Happy?" Ian asked sarcastically, "Yeah." Lip says and we all hurry back to the car.

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