last chance, Gallagher

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The next day I walk into the Gallaghers to grab some clothes and I see Carl, "You're back?!" I gasp and open my arms and he hugs me, "Last night, I had to come back early. Why is there a he/she in yours and Lip's room with Mandy?" He makes a face, "Long story." I roll my eyes and head upstairs

"Hey, Sadie." Lip says gently as I walk past his room to go into Ian's. I ignore him and close the door, "You can't ignore me forever, come on." Lip says through the door, "Two days and you have Mandy Milkovich living with you, kissing you, and doing your laundry. We're done." my voice cracks in agony, "I don't want her, she's just being clingy because I helped her out." Lip forces himself into the room. "I'm sure that's why you fucked her right?" I say, standing up and walking away, "Fuck off." Ian says to Lip as he stands up and walks us downstairs

"What are you her fucking lawyer?" Lip scoffs, "I'm her best friend, and you're acting like a douche bag." Ian defends me, "Stop treating her like garbage. Just because Karen shit on you doesn't mean you get to wipe your ass on Sadie" Ian says then walks us away, "Listen up Gallaghers and Milkoviches, they're digging the sewer main in a few days and shutting the water off so we need to do laundry and wash dishes before then, okay?" Fiona announces to us as Mandy feeds Lip toast, I scoff, "Wait they're gonna be digging up the lawn?" Debbie asks in a panic, "Yeah?" Fiona says, confused, "Aunt Ginger." Debbie says, "Shit, I'll tell Frank to dig her up today." Fiona says, grabbing a beer and a shovel. "Hey, you coming with Kev and I to go get fireworks?" Lip asks me, I furrow my eyebrows because I just overheard him tell Mandy there wasn't room for her, "Uh, thought there wasn't room." I say, "For you there is." Lip says and I roll my eyes, "Fine." I give in and he drags me outside by my wrist.

Kev shoots me a concerned look as we approach him, "Sade, you sure you're okay?" Kev mutters to me as we get into the truck, I nod, "It's fine let's just go." I wave him off so we can hurry up and get back.

About half way to Indiana the truck breaks down, Lip mutters swears under his breath and gets out quickly going under the hood, "So, what's going on with you and Mandy?" Kev breaks the awkward tension of the silence, I gently smack his arm "What do you mean?" Lip asks, "You guys seem tight." Kev antagonizes, "Just friends," Lip shrugged him off, "Good cause if you hurt Sade again I'm gonna kick your ass." Kev defends me. Lip scoffs, "Get in line, Fiona Carl and Ian have already threatened me." "Carl?" Kev asks, confused, "Yeah, has a crush on her, bout time Carl hits puberty and becomes a horndog for the next three years." Lip chuckles, "Only three?" Kevin repeated. "Man, that never goes away. And neither will Mandy now that you saved her half-sister. Do you know what kind of signals that sends? Chicks dig that hero shit. You're stuck with her now." Kev warns, I roll my eyes, "Gun it," Lip ordered, ignoring what Kev said; Kev listened and the engine sputtered before turning on smoothly. Lip flung himself in a seat with a sly grin, I scoff and roll my eyes as I sit on the ground in the back of the truck.

"I'm serious dude you gotta get rid of that before you lose a good one." Kev says, "Weren't you the one who almost risked it all when his wife came back?" Lip snarks, "This isn't about me but since you want to compare it, V is my Sadie, I will always choose V and there was never any second guessing that. I thought she had my child, you did the same thing with that girl Karen. You're still choosing other girls over Sade." Kev lectures him and Lip is silent, "Can we not while I'm around, I don't need to hear how much of a second choice I am thanks Kev." I groan and lay on the metal floor.


"Holy shit!" Mandy shouted in surprise when she saw the cases Lip was carrying, and she quickly moved out of the way. I shut the door behind me as the boys loaded the fireworks into the living room. "Yeah, we did good," Kev confirmed. "Boom Town was good to us." "Blowing up the Hancock building?" Fiona questioned from the kitchen, and Carl rushed over with an evil grin on his face. "Don't even think about it." I wave my finger in Carl's face and pat his bald head as I walk away into the kitchen. "Can we store some of this here?" Kev asked Fiona while I sat at the bar stool and listened to their conversation, "Are you nuts?" Fiona asked, gesturing to Carl. "Look at that kid's face. "I promise to put it in a no-Carl zone." Kev reassured, "Don't touch it." He says sternly to Carl as he goes into the kitchen on his crutches. "As if that exists." Fiona scoffs then turns to come back into the kitchen, "Go wash your face," Fiona instructed, patting the top of Carl's bald head. Mandy appeared with a bunch of folded clothes in her hands, "Hey, make yourself useful and set the table." Fiona said to Mandy, "You want pop, beer, or ice water?" She asks Lip as she throws the clothes in her sister's lap, "Put that on Lip's bed." Mandy directs, "Uh, water is fine." Lip says, wiping his nose and looking over at Kev and I; Kev rubs my back comfortingly and I roll my eyes and sit down at the bar stool next to V who is cutting up meat. Just then Jimmy walks in from the living room, he looks awful. "What's with Jimmy?" Veronica wondered as Jimmy slowly walked past us and into the bathroom, not saying a word. "Shit with his dad?" She adds "He's pretty worked up about it." Fiona responds. "I think I'd be pretty messed up if I found out my dad was fucking my girlfriend's brother," Veronica said, handing Fiona a knife. "It's his first big family crisis. He's taking it pretty hard." Fiona explains, "Hey, Kev, left side of your mouth." I point to Kev's cake-filled face, "Other left." I groan and guide his hand to the blue frosting, "He's got daddy issues, no wonder you dig him." Lip snickered, "I can hear you!" Jimmy yelled from the bathroom. "Hey, Lip go reorganize the truck; put the weed in the fridge, poppers in the freezer, smokes on top, bangers under the seats." Kevin instructed. "Got it." Lip says, unnecessarily grabbing my hips to get by. "I'll help." Mandy says, Lip turns to face her, "I'm good. Sade, if you want to come out though I could use your help." Lip says before turning on his heel and jogging outside. Mandy glares at me and runs upstairs.

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