I do, Gallavich!

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"You sure this looks okay, guys?" I ask Carl and Ian after I put on the black women's pants suit Mickey got for me to be his best man. "Is it giving?" I ask again as I tie the string in the back to make a cute bow. "Jesus Christ." Ian says. "You look fucking hot." Carl says. "Good, that's the goal. Now square open toe," I put on the heel on my left foot, "or pointy?" I ask putting it on my right. "Toes are done, square." Mickey says walking into the room with nothing but a towel on, "Cool, thanks. See you guys there." I say, going back into my room to change into regular clothes so I don't ruin this just yet then rushing downstairs to go to the Bamboo Lotus for the flower and chair delivery for nine.

Just as I walk outside I hear sirens and a huge black cloud of smoke coming from the direction of the venue, "No fucking way." I mutter before going back inside, "Guys! Come out now!" I shout up the stairs and within a millisecond all the boys and Debbie are rushing down, "You good?" Mickey asks and I wave them outside. "Holy shit, it's the Bamboo Lotus." Debbie says, looking at her phone before turning it to show us the news article. "You think Terry did it?" I ask, looking at Mickey and Ian who look devastated. "Fuck." Mickey says, storming back inside. "Mick." Ian chases after him.

Quickly Mickey comes out of the house with a shotgun and he is storming outback on a mission, "Fuck. Mickey!" I shout, chasing after him with Ian by my side. "You can't go alone." Debbie says, following right behind. "Where's Fran?" "Liam is staying with her." She informs us and we immediately turn our attention back to the situation at hand; Mickey. "Mick!" I shout, running towards him and jumping on his back and he falls. "Get the fuck off Sadie." "Give me the fucking gun!" I say, trying to pull it away from him as I'm straddled over his body and it goes off, breaking the back window of the broken down car that's been in the Gallagher backyard forever.. "Jesus fuck." I say, "Give me the fucking gun, Mick!" Ian shouts, reaching down and Mickey starts to bite him. "Stop Mickey!" I yell just before Ian decks him in the face and moves me off of him so he can be on top of him, "You fucking done?" He shouts, holding down his wrists. "I got the cuffs." Debbie says and I take them from her, "Need help?" I ask, out of breath. "You calm?" Ian asks Mick as he is breathing heavily. "Fuck you, Gallagher!" He yells and Ian punches him again, "You done?" Ian yells and Mickey nods. They both stand up and help me up, "Sorry." Mickey says and I wave him off, "Let's go get you both ice." I sigh, walking inside.

"I can't believe Terry burned down the bamboo." Debbie says as I hand the boys frozen vegetables. "There's homophobic and then there's Vladimir Putin homophobic." "We have to postpone it? Just so I know if I have to shower today." Carl asks, grabbing a beer. "Shower anyway and fuck no we're not cancelling this shit." I say, "I agree." Debbie chimes in. "We should just elope at the courthouse, that's what we should've done in the first place." Ian says. "Fuck no. There will be a Gallavich wedding." "How about here? Or the Alibi?" Debbie suggests. "We can't fit a hundred and twenty people here." I say "And the Alibi is a shit hole. I don't want to get married somewhere where my shoes stick to the floor." Mickey huffs. "We'll call around, see who can take us in a pinch." I say, "With what money? We spent it all on flowers and the venue." Ian says and I roll my eyes, "Shut the fuck up. Carl, grab my bag." "Sadie, no." Ian says, "Ian, yes." I say.


"What the fuck is going on?" Lip asks, coming into the kitchen after walking through the maze of flowers and wedding decor. "And why is he handcuffed?" He asks as Mickey sits on the washing machine, cuffed to the shelf behind him. "He wants to kill Terry because he burned down the Bamboo Lotus." I inform, "Will kill Terry." Mickey says "Navy Pier's got a party boat." Carl says, "Wait, you guys are trying to find a place for the wedding TODAY?" Lip asks and I nod, "Gallaghers always find a way." I say, leaning on the counter, scrolling through google to find a venue. "What about that boarded up Ukrainian church over on Cermak? We can break in and take it over and it's free." Carl suggests. "Roof caved in last winter." Lip says. "What happened?" V barges into the kitchen, "Went over by the Bamboo and it's a smoldering heap." Kev adds. "Terry burned it down." I inform and V gasps, "Oh poor babies." V says, looking at Ian and Mickey, "Why is he handcuffed?" She asks, "Wants to shoot Terry in the face." I roll my eyes, "WILL shoot Terry in the face." Mickey says. "We can do it at the Alibi." V suggests. "No! Guys it's fucking over. Terry wins again like always." Mickey hops off the washer. "Jesus Christ when I was a kid after I went trick-or-treating as soon as I got home he'd take all my candy. Before my mom ran out and she still could buy us gifts, he opened them all and took what he wanted and pawned the rest. And-and he handed me and all my siblings over to Family Services for a whole year so he could run drugs for the Sinaloa cartel!" Mickey vents. "Look, Ian. I love you but the son of a bitch is never gonna let me be happy. He needs to die, today!" He finishes and the whole house is silent–poor Mickey, he deserves this wedding more than anyone else.

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