our mother put us through hell

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Next morning I meet the Gallaghers and Mickey at the house to go see Ian, "Sade, bitch Sammi is still here, you good?" Mickey says to me, I shrug, "As long as she keeps her mouth shut or else I'll do it for her." I say and put my hair into a ponytail just in case, "Sammi is still here?" Fiona asks, "Yeah putting her shit in a moving crate and heading upstate." Debbie says, "She has enough money for a moving crate?" Fiona scoffs and Sammi walks in, her face looks fucked up, "Excuse me, coming through." Sammi says and I lunge at her and Fiona stops me and Sammi pulls a gun on me, "Touch me again." She says and I slap it out of her hand, "Pull a gun on any of us again and I swear to God I'll have your fat piece of shit son mutilated so bad you won't even recognize him." I get in her face and she walks away, "This family sucks ass." She says before slamming the door. "Damn Mitchell, didn't know you had it in you; two times in a row." Mickey says and holds my head, "I fucking hate that bitch." I scoff before we all go to my car to go to the Army base.

"Hey Mick, you still know people who can roofie that bitch and rip her teeth out?" I ask as we are driving, "Of course. That bitch is a snitch. I know plenty of people who'll take that shit seriously." "Woah." Debbie whispers, "As much as I'd like to, we are not torturing Sammi." Fiona reasons and we all groan, "She got Carl and Ian locked up." I justify, Fiona sighs, "I know and I can't have any more of you locked up."

"Hi, Fiona Gallagher, we're here for Ian Gallagher." Fiona says to the guy on duty, "IDs please." He says and we all hand him our IDs and Lip pulls up in a moped, I let out a laugh and cover my mouth quickly and he gets in the backseat next to Debs.


"Private Ian Gallagher, enlisted as Phillip Gallagher has been accused of having gone AWOL, theft and sabotage of government property, and falsifying a federal document; specifically an application to join the US Armed Forces. The AWOL charge alone carried a maximum penalty of up to 5 years in prison." The Sergeant says, my heart is in the pit of my stomach, "I'm Staff Sergeant Nathan Kipps, investigating officer. It is my job to determine the circumstances of these crimes, tomorrow morning I will make a recommendation as to whether Private Gallagher will face a court martial." He finishes, "You decide?" Debbie asks, I sigh, "Sir, Ian is clinically bipolar. The Army should not court-martial him." I explain, "If anything, you should be helping him." Fiona adds on, "This diagnosis was made by a doctor?" He asks, we all nod, "Yes, sir." Lip and I say, "We can get those medical records too." Lip adds on, "When was his diagnosis made?" The Sergeant asks, "Recently." Fiona admits, "But he's been acting crazy for longer than that." Debbie says, "Yeah at least this past year." Lip explains, "Their mother is diagnosed bipolar so this isn't something that we knew couldn't happen and this isn't something we haven't seen before. Ian has shown many signs of this illness but never wanted to face it because of how their mother was. He's been having up and down moods, he'll go from depressed to wound up to super happy. I've known the Gallaghers for a very long time and I'm minoring in psychology, sir, Ian, before running away to enlist was showing many signs of manic behaviors which is why he ran away to enlist in the first place. He thought it would help because he was scared of the truth." I explain, the Sergeant nods, "He ran away with a baby for no reason." Lip says, "Almost hit me in the head with a baseball bat." Debbie adds. "Our mother put us through hell, not saying Ian has put us through hell but when they're manic they can be very destructive." Fiona says, "In your opinion does he require medication?" he asks, "Yes." Fiona almost scoffs, "Is he unable to care for himself?" We all hesitate, "Sometimes, yes." I speak up, I feel Ian glaring at me, "I will take this into consideration, you are all dismissed now. We'll call you with our decision." The Sergeant says and they take Ian, we all sigh, "Hey, good shit mentioning you were minoring in psychology, that can definitely help us." Fiona whispers to me as we walk back to my car.


I drop everyone off at the Gallaghers and Lip is the only one left in my car, he climbs into the front and hits my head on accident in the process, "Hey asshole you could've just walked around." I gently slap him, "So I hear you beat the shit out of Sammi?" Lip questions as we drive to his school, "She fucking deserved it." I mutter, "Didn't know you were such a tough little shit." He pinched my cheek gently.

"Call me if you need to." I tell Lip as he steps out of my car, "Can you stay tonight?" He asks, leaning in the window. I shake my head, "No. I'm sure you won't be lonely though." I force a small smile, "Sadie." He sighs, "Have a good night, see you tomorrow. Mick's driving." I inform then drive off carefully.


The next day we go see Ian and Mickey drives this time. I'm sitting in the back next to Lip and Debbie. Debs refused to let me sit on the outside because I'm the smallest, I hate it here.

"Fiona Gallagher here to see our brother Ian." Fiona says, handing him all our IDs, "Ian Gallagher was released." He informs, "That's amazing!" We all cheer happily, "Guess there's an upside to being a fucking psycho, huh?' Mickey says, "We clear to go in?" He then asks, "Actually, Mr. Gallagher is not at this facility. I need you to back it up." The officer says, "Wait, wait, wait. Where is he?" Fiona asked, "Uh, he got released to a Monica Gallagher." He tells, "Fuck." I mutter and rest my head on the seat.

As Mickey reverses we all start calling him, we need to find him ASAP.

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