rough, rugged & raw

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"I thought you were sleeping at Caleb's." Carl groans as he sees Ian walk into the kitchen, "Caleb's sleeping with a chick." Lip blurts out and I slap his bicep, "Caleb's bi?" Carl asks, "No dude is bi, alright?" Lip says and I roll my eyes, "Can you not be a dick for once?" I complain as I drink my coffee, "He's right," Ian groans, "You lick dick, you're supposed to be gay." Ian complains. "So you guys broke up?" Carl asks as he clears his plate, "I don't know, haven't decided yet." Ian mutters, "Get back with Milkovich." I cough, "That'd be the last thing I'd ever do." Ian scoffs. "Can't believe he's licking vag too." Lip snickers, "Can you two please stop talking about licking vag before you give me a boner." Carl says as he waddles towards the stairs, "What the hell did you do?" I ask, shocked. "I got circumcised so Dom would give me head." Carl explains, "Carl, she's not gonna give you head." I inform him, "Can we stop talking about head and vag and Sade just you." He groans and waddles up the stairs. "Did he just say I was giving him a boner?" I ask, "One hundred percent." Lip says before taking a sip of his coffee, "He's fucking sick." I say into my cup before taking another chug of coffee.


Just as I get out of my last class my phone begins to ring, "Hey babe, what's wrong?" "Can you bring me to the doctor?" Carl sounds like he's in agonizing pain, "Yeah baby I'm coming now." I say as I begin to sprint to my car to speed to Carl's school.

"What happened?" I ask as I pull up to see him clenching his crotch and waddling more than ever, "Dom gave me a boner." Carl winces, "Doctor please, I couldn't walk there." He winces, "Jesus Christ, Carl." I roll my eyes before speeding off to the doctor.

"Sade." "Yeah?" "Would you ever tell people that your boyfriend got circumcised?" Carl asks, "No, why? That's weird." I answer as I help him walk inside. "Dom told people and they're calling me shit now but I don't care about that. Why did she do that shit?" Carl asks, "Because she doesn't like you babe. We only make fun of people we don't like." I inform and he huffs, "Sade." "Yeah?" "Can you leave, you're making it worse." He winces as he holds his crotch again, "Ew." I push his head gently, "Bye, call me if you need me." I say, leaving him in the doctor's office.

"Yo, Sade! You good?" I hear Ian's voice call out from his EMT truck, "Yeah, just had to drop Carl off." I called back. "Meet me at the BBQ place down the street, on me." He smiles, "Aw, he loves me." I tease him as I get into my car and follow him down the street.

"So, did you see Caleb today?" I ask as I take a bite of my sandwich. "Yeah, it was a shit show." Ian huffs. "What happened?" "He said I should accept him and in sexual fluidity or some shit like that and that not everyone is one hundred percent gay." Ian rolls his eyes, "Oh, he also asked me if I was ever attracted to a woman or ever fucked one and was shocked when i said no." He continues, "Holy shit he's an asshole." "You talking about me?" Lip's voice comes from nowhere as he walks up to us. "Not my asshole ex boyfriend, his." I say just as he leans down to kiss my forehead, "You two broke up?" He asks Ian, "Not yet but planning on it." Ian huffs. "Nice ride you got there." Ian nods towards the black car in the parking lot to change the subject. "Thanks, jacked it off the street." "Lip!" I exclaim, "I'm kidding." He chuckles, sitting next to me. "It's one of my bosses cars, he sent me to get it detailed." He rolls his eyes. I can't help but stare at him, he's wearing a black tank top which exposes his huge biceps, he did a lot of working out in rehab I can tell. He looks so good. "Looks pretty clean already." Ian says with a mouthful of his sandwich, "Yeah I was thinking about just wiping it down and pocketing the hundred bucks." Lip explains as he slides my plate over to him, "Who said I was done?" I complain, "The fact that you're picking at the bread says you were done." Lip teases as he eats the rest of my sandwich. "So what's going on with you two? Since you know you both are invested in my relationship." "Not invested, just a concerned best friend," I defend "But, we're just friends." I say those words with much sorrow–I didn't want to be just friends with Lip. I love him so much. Lip is silent, I can tell he's hurt by my words too.


"Kev." I whine as I walk into the house, "Oh no, another whining baby what's wrong?" He asks as he walks over to me wearing an apron and cleaning gloves, "I miss Lip." I pout, "Oh no you don't." He scolds, "I do." I groan as I plop down on the couch, "Hi sissy!" Jemma says, climbing up onto the couch with me, "Hi baby." I say, hugging her, "Hi sissy." Amy repeats a little less enthusiastically. "Hi babe." "Where's Yven?" I ask just as he peers around the corner, "Hi baby." I say to him with a huge grin making him giggle. "Sadie, you do not miss Lip." Kev brings me back to the main topic. "I do. He just looks so sexy I want to eat him." I throw my head back, "Sade, he isn't ready. He's at the Alibi everyday, especially when you go to school. When he isn't at work he's there. Sade, no." Kev fathers me. "Does he get shitfaced?" I ask, "V says no, he uses the rules of those little AA chips he got and drinks lots of water in between beers." He explains and I sigh. "I gotta go." I sigh and get up. "Bye all my babies." I say to the kids, "Bye sissy." The two girls say, "Bye titi." Yven says shyly. "Bye Kev." I say, looking up at him. "Bye baby." He says, kissing my temple. "Be smart, okay?" He says and I nod as I walk out the door and into the Gallagher home.

"Hey, how's your thing?" I ask Carl as I walk in and he's sprawled out on the couch. "Fine, I can't look at you though." He says with his eyes glued to the TV. "Okay." I say, walking towards the kitchen where I hear chuckling, "What's going on in here?" I ask Lip as he stares at Ian washing out his mouth. "Ian ate some girl out and he's losing his shit." Lip chuckles, "How do you deal with it? The taste and the folds." Ian gags, "And the slime." "Would you rather cheese dick and a throat full of splooge." Lip asks, "I'd rather eat my own coochie than have a cheese dick in my throat." I say, "Give me a beer." Ian says as he spits mouthwash down the drain. "If I sucked some guy's dick I wouldn't be half as dramatic as you are right now." Lip antagonizes. "You're more of a man than I am then." Ian says after gargling beer. "Do you feel more worldly at least?" He asks, "No. I think it had steam coming off it." Ian says, voice full of disgust. "Should I get you the drano then?" Lip teases. "If I knew I could gargle it without dying I'd say yes." Ian says as he's scrubbing his mouth with a sponge. "Dude, if you were going to experiment with a girl you should've did it with someone you knew." Lip informs. "Like who? Sade? Or Mandy, who is MIA?" Ian rolls his eyes. "Sade for sure wouldn't have made you act like this." Lip chuckles, "I can hear you!" Carl shouts, "I feel like I'm getting pimped out." I say walking up the stairs but not making it too far as I'm greeted with a brick wall, "What the fuck?" I ask. "Frank." Ian says. "Well, I'm going to my dorm then." I say, "See you all in the morning. Love you all, kisses muah muah." I say as I back towards the backdoor.

I felt bad leaving them I really did but I can't sleep in the living room with Lip, I can't sleep next to him because I will give in; I can't hurt myself like that for the thousandth time.


"Holy shit, Carl." I gasp as I walk through the backdoor seeing Carl peeing in the sink and his dick is completely raw. "You shouldn't have gotten that stupid circumcision man." Lip laughs, "Alright well I did and there's nothing I can do about it now so fuck you guys." Carl scoffs. "Carl, I think you need to get that looked at, like at the hospital." I say, really concerned. "I'm fine." Carl sighs and goes back to the living room. "His dick looks infected." I whisper to the boys, "His problem." Ian shrugs, "All for that dumb bitch." I roll my eyes and place the coffees on the counter, "Coffee for you guys and Fi." I say as I sit up next to them. "Thank you." Lip says, kissing my cheek. "Friends." Ian chuckles, "How's the coochie taste?" Lip asks with a smirk, "Fuck off." Ian rolls his eyes and grabs a coffee. "Can't you give him thorazine? Make him feel woozy for a little while so he doesn't get hard." I suggest, "That's a good idea." Ian says, "I know, I thought of it." I chuckle. "I'll see you guys later, I have class." I say, sliding off the counter, "You came all the way down here to give us coffee when you have class?" Ian asks and I nod, "I felt bad for leaving you guys last night." I say, "Aww she loves us." Ian teases and I roll my eyes, "Bye." I chuckle and leave the house.

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