plowed in a storage closet

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"Hey, gay Jesus." I tease as I answer Ian's call, "Hey. How's everything?" "Would be better if you let me pay your bail." "I like it in here, it's cool." "You annoy me." "Speaking of annoy, how's the kid?" "The one Lip is taking care of?" "Yeah." "She's cool, cool kid. I feel bad for her. Lip is kinda getting too involved though." "And that means?" "You know how he gets when he gets too involved." "Good luck." He chuckles, "How are you two besides that?" "Fine, still not together but we're okay." I huff, "Liar." Ian sings into the phone, "No, I'm okay. I love him but that can't be my reason to endure his bullshit." I explain, "Wow this is some serious personal growth." He teases, "You need some next, let me bail you out!" "Nope, love you bye!" Ian says before the line clicks off; God he makes my brain want to explode.

It's been almost three months since Ian lit a van on fire and Lip basically started parenting Xan. Everything seems to be going smoothly which is odd for the Gallagher home but I don't mind the peace but it seems to be too good to be true. I'm scared for the havoc that is bound to be wreaked.


"You guys ready?" I ask, walking into the boys' old room to see Xan buttoning Lip's cufflink, "Need help?" I ask and she nods and steps back, "You look pretty, Xan." I compliment her silver sparkly dress, "Thanks, Lip helped pick it out for me." "Oh, someone has good taste." I tease him and he gives me a soft genuine smile, "You look great yourself." He says, admiring my black long sleeve dress with a square neck. "You do too." I say, patting his cheek softly. "Don't lie to him, he looks stupid." Xan teases and I snicker, "Good, that's what I was going for." Lip laughs as he puts on his suit jacket and we leave the house.


My hand quickly moves over my mouth to hide my laugh at Lip's awful dance moves, "You see that, Miles?" I ask him as I hold him in my lap, he's giggling at Lip too. He's gotten so big. "Oh, you can do better?" Lip entices me, "I'm holding the baby, I'm off limits." I chuckle as I take a sip of my water. "Co-" He's interrupted by Cami's sister, Tami, pulling him away. "Jesus Christ." I mutter to myself and rub my temples. "Don't worry, he can't be that stupid." Xan steps away from the boy she's dancing with to talk to me. "It's fine. Go have fun." I tap her chin lightly and give her a smile, "He does love you." She says as she backs up back towards the boy and I nod; no he doesn't. That's why he's in a storage closet with the maid of honor.


"Kev, what the fuck are you doing?" I ask as I walk up the sidewalk to see him throwing a ball for the girls. "They won't sleep, tiring them out with fetch like the dog walker lady." "Have you tried melatonin?" "Mela what?" "Melatonin. It's a gummy that makes kids sleep. Go buy some, I'll stay with the girls." I shoo him off and the girls are jumping all around me. "Hi girls." I sigh and sit on Kev and V's stoop. "Why sad, sissy?" Jemma asks, "I'm okay." I say and they hug me. "How did you get them to calm down and where's Kev?" V asks, coming outside. "They just came over here when I sat down and Kev went to get them melatonin." "Mela what?" She has the same reaction as Kev. "It's a gummy that puts them to sleep." "Is it safe?" She asks and I nod "Shit, hope it works." She huffs, "Why aren't you at home?" "Well, I just got back from the wedding with Lip and I saw Kev playing fetch so I just came over here to help." "What's wrong?" She looks at me, "Nothing! I'm fine! Why does everyone keep asking me?" "Because when you're sad you have a specific look in your eyes and your lips get slightly pouty." She points out and sits next to me. "Lip fucked someone at the wedding like in front of me basically." "You guys aren't together though, right?" She asks and I nod, "So, just fuck someone else in front of him." She advises and I glare at her with tears in my eyes, "Right, bad idea." V sighs and then Kev runs down the sidewalk holding a container of melatonin. "My work here is done." I dismiss myself. "Bye, love you all." I say, walking next door back home.

"Hey, you missed dinner, you hungry?" Lip asks and I shake my head, "I ate." I lied as I walked upstairs. "You okay?" Lip asks, following me upstairs. "Yeah, why?" I ask as I begin to change into comfy clothes. "You left the wedding early and got home late. Just wondering what you were doing?" "I was just out." I'm short–I was really having a mental breakdown in my car but nobody needs to know that. "With?" "Oh, I went to this little party and I got fucking plowed in a storage closet." I smile sarcastically in his face as I push past him, "Shit, Sade. I didn't want to fuck her she kinda forced me to." "I'm sure." I say, grabbing my keys, "Where are you going?" He yells at me, "Out." I say, slamming the door behind me.

I want Lip to be happy and have a life but why can't I get over it–over him? Why am I so sad and angry that he had sex with someone else? He's not my boyfriend, he's not mine.


I get home late that night, I spent my night sitting on the stairs of my old house. Where it all started. I wish it didn't. I wish we never had to leave North Side. I wish I never had to meet Lip or maybe I wish I never fell in love with him, with a cheater. 

"Where were you?" Lip asks, he's sitting at the edge of the bed with tear stained cheeks. "Out." I speak softly as I put my bag and keys on the dresser. "You okay?" He asks, "Are you?" I answer. "I'm sorry." He starts and I shake my head, "There is no reason to be sorry, we aren't together. I overreacted. Let's just forget about it." I say, grabbing a pillow. "Where are you going?" "Couch." "You can sleep in your bed, Sade." He says, standing up. "No, it's fine." I say and walk downstairs. "Sadie." Lip follows me, "What?" I ask in a calm tone, "Please stay up there with me." He begs and I huff, blowing the loose strand of hair out of my face, "Fine." I motion him back upstairs. A part of me was happy he came down, the other part of me wanted to beat me up for being so stupid. I think I might let that side win.

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