road [a]head

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"Sadie, can you help me at the Alibi tonight? I have to bring the babies with me." Veronica asks me, sounding desperate. "Sure, but isn't Kev supposed to be watching them while you run the Alibi?" I ask, "No, he's out getting a handjob from another woman." She explains sounding a little too calm, "What?" I shouted, "No, I told him to. I had an orgasm as I was grinding on some random guy. I cheated, now he can cheat. One time only!" She says and I furrow my eyebrows, "Okay?" I slightly question the logic but don't ask further questions. Just as V walks outside, Debbie barges in covered in blood, "Debs, what the fuck?" I ask, pulling at her blood stained shirt, "It's not mine." She smiles, "Whose is it?" I ask, looking at Carl, examining his extremities. "Not mine either." Carl chuckles, "Hollie and Ellie." She says, drinking water, "Good shit." I compliment, giving her a hi-five. "I gotta go help V at the Alibi, you guys okay until Fi gets here?" I ask and they nod, "What about dinner and Fi's big announcement?" Carl asks as I'm walking out the door, "Text me what she says. I love you two! Bye." I call out as the door is closing behind me.


As I'm serving drinks behind the bar, Mickey comes barging in with blood in his mouth, "Mick, what the hell?" I ask and he's silent, "Mick,"I hand him a shot of tequila, "Where's Ian?" "Wish I fucking knew." He scoffs, quietly, "What's got you so riled up?" Sammi's obnoxious voice interjects, "Leave me the fuck alone." Mickey says in a stern tone, "Hey, maybe I can help." She begins to flirt, "Fuck off, bitch." I mutter, "Oh excuse me for having a shitty day and wanting to let off some steam." Sammi rolls her eyes, "If I fuck any girl it'll be Sadie. However, I'm fucking gay." Mickey says, annoyed. "You're sick." I chuckle and hand him a bottle of tequila, "Calm down, we'll find Ian." I whisper to him and gently tap his face, "And your dick will never come close to me, Mickey Milkovich." I chuckle and start to walk of, "I'd fuck the living shit out of you." Mickey says, taking another shot, "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that." I say to him as I continue to walk away.

"Wanna play pool?" Mickey asks after he cools down, leaning at the end of the bar. I shrug, "Sure." I agree and Mickey picks me up over the counter, "Aren't pacifiers supposed to be bad for babies?" Lip's voice causes me to turn sharply towards the entrance, "Do you have kids? Then shut the fuck up." V yells at him and he laughs, "Oh, look who it is! Making him a summer tour before he heads off to the ivy tower." Mickey teases, "Ivory." Lip and I corrected in unison, mine was just in a whisper tone. "If you're gonna talk shit at least do it right." Lip says, sitting at the end of the bar, "Did you give the wallet back?" Lip asks, putting a cigarette between his lips, "What wallet?" Mickey asks, "She went out on a date and she had his wallet." Lip snickers, "It wasn't a date. I gave it back and left. You fuck anybody else today?" I snark, "No, I just had a long day at work and I just came here for a beer, alright?" Lip snarks back at me. "Ah, you built up a big thirst selling out your neighborhood, huh?" Mickey antagonizes as he sits next to him, "Sade, you can take the babies home for me. I got the rest of the night, thank you." V says, noticing I'm feeling awkward. "Okay," I say softly, taking both Jemma and Amy from her arms, "I love you." I say "I love you, too. Call me if you need anything." V whispers then kisses my head. "Bye." I say to the boys before leaving quickly.

That was the most awkward thing I've ever had to experience. Never again will I help out anyone at the Alibi; it's deemed for failure.

About an hour later my phone begins to ring; it's Lip, "Hello?" "Sade, you around?" he sounds panicked "Uh, yeah what's wrong?" I ask, "Come fucking get me. I'm in the dumpster by the new yoga place."  He hangs up–what the fuck did he do?

I groan and speed over there, cops flood the streets, shit. I park a little down the block and sneak over to the dumpster, "Lip?" I whisper, "Lip, let's fucking go." I whisper again, annoyed and he pops out and we run back to my car, "What the fuck did you do?" I say as I speed off, "Can we go to your school? Get me the hell out of here." Lip says, panicking, "What did you do shithead?" I yelled, "Mickey was talking shit and I went with him and they shot up the yoga place and he saw I didn't shoot and they left me there." Lip finally says and I smack his head, "What the fuck, Phillip!" I government him, "I know, I know. I'm sorry." He says–he's very worked up. "Listen, we'll go back to my house. We can go to your school tomorrow, school starts in a few days I'm sure they'll give you your room." I speak calmly to him and he nods, "Okay." He lets out a sigh and places his hand overtop mine. I gently interlock my fingers with his and we have a silent drive back to my house.

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