everything, all at once.

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It's been a week since the lemonade incident and everything seems to be settling down, there hasn't been much drama except for the fact Carl got beat up by his old dealer friends at work and Fiona is out every night like she used to be but that's been the only chaotic thing to happen lately. I probably just fucked myself by saying that though.

"Croissants? Where the hell'd we get croissants?" Lip asks as he jogs down the stairs, "Randy." Xan says with a mouthful of donut. "Who's Randy?" Lip asks, pouring himself coffee, "Ingrid's ex husband. He's always here checking up on her and brings us baked goods. Donuts, donut holes, croissants, everything." Debbie explains, "Cinnamon rolls." I say, eating my second one. "Sweet." Lip chuckles and grabs the rest of my cinnamon roll from my plate, "Bitch." I mutter and roll my eyes. He's been fucking with me daily but not enough for me to be pissed off. He knows exactly what he's doing. "Kelly, have you tried this cinnamon bread yet?" Debbie asks, "I know, better than sex." She answers and they both say mmm in unison before sharing a laugh. Carl looks at me, 'I told you' I mouth to him, he's finally catching on Kelly is a lesbian. "So what's everybody got going on today?" Lip asks. "Carl's looking for buried treasure!" Debbie teases in a pirate voice. "Laugh it up guys, laugh it up but come payday, you'll see who the real captain is." Carl says, walking away. "I'm proud of you!" I call out to him, "Thanks." He mutters back before slamming the door behind him. "I gotta replace that janky furnace today. You know how much the guy quoted me?" Debbie starts as she puts her dirty dishes in the sink, "Hmm?" Lip asks, "Seventy five hundred bucks!" "Jesus." Lip says. "Yeah, gonna find a used one on Craigslist." "Isn't Craigslist for like rapey creeps?" Kelly asks. "Out of all the times I've used Craigslist, I only got those vibes once." Debbie says. "You should try the scrap yard out by West Lake, my dad used to go there for parts when he was rebuilding his World War II reenactment Sherman tanks and we saw furnaces there all the time." Kelly is excited, "Really?" "Mmhmm." Kelly says into her cup as she takes a sip of coffee. "Where?" "I'll show you, I have nothing else to do today." Kelly winks at her. Jesus Christ. "Hey, may I interest you in a croissant?" Lip asks Tami as she rushes down stairs, looking for her keys. "I put them in your bag." I inform her, "Thanks." She says, out of breath, grabbing her keys. "Uh, no thanks." She finally answers Lip, "You still good to bring Xan and I downtown for 10?" Lip asks, "Uh, yeah." She says, leaving the house. "Can you come?" Xan whispers to me and I shrug, "I don't know if I can." I answer and grab both of our plates, clearing them and putting them into the sink. "I'll be at work." I point upstairs before going up and beginning my day.


At 10:05 I figure Lip is finally gone so I go downstairs for water only to be face to face with Lip and Xan, "She still isn't here yet?" I ask, "No, can you bring us?" Xan asks and I look at Lip, "That's not up to me." "Lip, can she?" Xan almost begs him. "Yeah, if she wants." Lip smiles softly and looks to me, "Let me go put real clothes on." I say, hurrying back upstairs to put black jeans on with a black shirt and black Vans and hurrying back down. "Kay, let's go." I say, grabbing my bag and walking outside. "Thanks for taking us." Lip places his hand gently on my lower back before opening my door. "No problem." I say softly before getting in–his touch makes me sick, I crave it so bad but I can't have it. I just want to feel his embrace, hear his heart beat when we cuddle again, I miss his smell, now he reeks of Tami. Her perfume, lotion, body wash, shampoo, everything. Everything that used to be mine is now all hers. Everything.


"You guys want me to stay or go?" "Stay, please." Xan says and I look over at Lip, "Come on." He nods towards the building and I park and get out of my car, following them inside. "Thanks for coming." Lip says before gently patting my knee. "What happened to Tami?" I ask and he shrugs, "Got caught up she said." He sounds upset–it all sounds too familiar to me. "Philip Gallagher." The woman calls him, "Need me?" I ask softly, he hesitates, "Um, stay with Xan, okay?" He didn't want me to stay, he needed me but he didn't want to feel like he was forcing me. His eyes were basically begging me, "Okay." I nod and sit back. "He totally misses you." Xan says as soon as the door closes behind him. "And Tami is totally ditching him." Xan chuckles, "His problem. I tried to help him for years." I sigh, "You ever gonna date again or are you gonna become a weird cat lady?" Xan giggles, "Dog lady, maybe a cat or two." I tease, "He ruined it that bad for you?" She asks, sincerely. "I think so." I blow out air which makes a loose curl bounce off my forehead. "My mom always said men suck, maybe I should believe her for once." Xan says, "No, not all men suck. Lip is a good boy, he just makes sucky decisions." I defend him once again, "I don't want to cry the way you do." That hurt, "I understand." I don't argue anymore, there really isn't anything I can say because she's right, love shouldn't hurt the way it has, it should never be a battle with yourself.

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