news flash, gallagher!

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"Carl, what's in your mouth?" I ask, holding his face gently, "My grills, girl." Carl says with a tone, "Eat more than just a poptart and behave yourself today." I roll my eyes and hand him a banana, "I love you." I say as he walks away, "I love you too." He calls out as he limps out the door. "We need to keep him in a cage." I mutter and Debs laughs, "I'll say." Just then a man comes downstairs, "Uh, Sade, Debs. This is Gus. We got in late last night." Fiona introduces, "Hi." I say softly before cutting up a banana for Liam. "Welcome to part of my family. One is away in Miami right now, one lives with a friend a few houses down, and the wannabe ganager one just left." Fiona chuckles. Just then my phone starts ringing; it's Ian, "Sorry, I have to take this." I dismiss myself and run upstairs, "Hey, what's up?" I ask, slightly nervous

"Hey Sade what does Lisinopril do?" Ian calls me, "Uhh that's for high blood pressure. What the hell do you have Lisinopril for?" I ask, concerned if the doctor gave him that, "Found it in a suitcase Mickey wanted to take it." "Uhh well don't. Have you seen a doctor yet?" I ask nervously, "I'll talk to you later, ok?" Ian says, I sigh, "Love-" he hangs up on me, he hates when we talk about doctors.

Just as I was going to put my phone back into my pocket, I get a notification from an unknown number. I furrow my brows and open the message; Hey, it's Max. Busy? I bite my lip nervously as my thumbs hover over the keyboard. Hey. I'm free, why? I press send and basically throw my phone onto Ian's old bed. No way I just did that. My phone dings and I grab it quickly, Meet me at Millenium Park? I let out a deep breath, Ok. I hit send and my whole body went cold, No way I did that.


As soon as I got to Millenium Park I spot Max which sends a comforting feeling through my body; he didn't stand me up or make a joke out of this, he's really here. "Hi." I manage to spit out, softly. "Oh, shit. Hey." Max's face turns from hard to soft in a matter of seconds as he stands up, giving me a hug. "How are you?" He asks, face brighter than the sun. "I'm good, thanks." I smile at his happiness. "Want to walk around or we can go eat at one of these places." He points at the Millenium Shoppes behind us, "I've never been here before." He chuckles nervously, "Really? Then why the suggestion?" I ask with a chuckle, "Seemed like a nice neutral place. I didn't want to come off like a creep or anything." He answers, honestly as we begin to walk, "That's really considerate of you. Thank you." I smile to myself, he really is a sweet guy, that's so precious. "Uh, let's just walk around and if there's anything that catches our eye we can go in?" I recommend and he nods, "Sounds good." He smiles, his eyes focused right onto mine.

After walking and talking for awhile, I spot Target and I gasp, "What?" Max asks in a slight panic, "Target!" I squeal causing him to chuckle, "Pick out whatever you want, I'll pay." Max offers, "Oh, no. I couldn't take anything from you." "I offered, you're not taking from me." Max says, pulling out his wallet, "Here." He gently grabs my hand and places his wallet in it, "Whatever you want." He smiles, "Seriously?" I ask and he nods, "You're too kind." I chuckle as I begin to walk down the aisles of Target.

"I really like those pants on you." Max muses to himself as he is eyeing my ass as I'm eyeing all the blankets, "I'm sure it's the pants." I snark, followed by a light chuckle. "I mean, if you want me to be blunt. Your ass looks phenomonal in those pants." Max chuckles, "Thank you." I say playfully. Just then my phone starts ringing; It's Mickey. "Shit, sorry. I have to take this, possible family emergency." I explain then quickly throw the phone up to my ear, "Everything okay?" I ask in a slight panic, "Sadie, he's gotta go. We gotta take him, he's losing his shit." Mickey sounds overwhelmed, "I'll come over now." I say and hang up, "Max, I'm so sor-" "Sadie, don't worry. I get it. Thank you for a great time, I'll see you again soon." Max says, smiling. "Thank you, for everything today." I hug him, his huge hands on my lower back send shivers down my spine, "Text me." I say, hurrying out of the store.

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